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A Good Day To Bury Bad News……You Were Warned

Last updated on June 6th, 2023 at 07:23 pm

Last updated on June 6th, 2023 at 07:23 pm

Reading Time: 2 minutes

So, some rebadged twat has won a By Election somewhere in rural England, Big Deal.

The real news of today is this

One in six police jobs expected to go after election, say senior officers


Police cuts: Tories to axe another 34,000 cops and police staff..

Yes, today’s big news is that this ragtag government are proposing to slash ANOTHER 34,000 posts, Police and Civilian, in 2015.  It would take total police job losses to 68,000 since the Coalition came to power.

Chief Constable Douglas Paxton, ACPO lead on finances and resources, said: “The Home Office have advised us to make an assumption that the police service will face further funding cuts, and we should assume a cut of 5% in real terms per year – or a further 20% over four more years.

The bit that I hadn’t seen coming was this;

The expectation that police will face a 20 per cent cut in funding is based on grant reductions recommended by the police watchdog, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC).

So, HMIC have a hand in this?  Have HMIC become politicised?  Maybe they should be rebranded TMIC or Theresa May’s Inspectorate of Constabulary.  Either way, that man Winsor seems to be at it again.

The Met has already sold off the family silver, it can’t be sold off again.  Other Forces around the country have sold off or closed Police Stations, moved into Tesco (other supermarkets are also available), made redundancies, cut officer numbers.   Where are these cuts going to come from?  Front Line services just HAVE TO BE affected this time round, no option. Many Forces have already exceeded their 2015 Austerity targets, maybe they knew this was coming and that’s why they did it? Who knows? But something stinks in the State of Maidenhead.

Even if you’re not a serving officer dear reader, these cuts will affect you, make no mistake.

I simply cannot envisage how the 43 Forces of England and Wales can absorb these proposals and survive as we know them.  Maybe this is just another way of a tired, weary, unimaginative coalition bullying us in the direction of a National Police Service, or, heaven forbid, G4$ and $erco et al (other private companies are also available and no doubt waiting).

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4 Replies to “A Good Day To Bury Bad News……You Were Warned”

  1. ideb8

    Oh, come on. Crime has fallen to 0 since Theresa was enthroned..!

    Surely we no longer need any police?

    Where would they go anyway? The stations are mostly sold.

    As TMIC has essentially no-crimed the UK for Imelda, the criminals must have fled too.

    “..But senior Home Office officials have privately told the police in England and Wales that this [20%] will not be enough and they should expect and prepare for a deeper 25% cut in Whitehall funding after next May’s election”

    We clearly now live in the best of all possible worlds, where the streets keep themselves safe (but only for those who do the Right thing, mind).

    Aren’t you even pleased by this magical Tory improvement? I can’t think why you’d stay so angry, at least…

  2. ideb8

    Oh, come on. Crime has fallen to 0 since Theresa was enthroned..!

    Surely we no longer need any police?

    Where would they go anyway? The stations are mostly sold.

    As TMIC has essentially no-crimed the UK for Imelda, the criminals must have fled too.

    “..But senior Home Office officials have privately told the police in England and Wales that this [20%] will not be enough and they should expect and prepare for a deeper 25% cut in Whitehall funding after next May’s election”

    We clearly now live in the best of all possible worlds, where the streets keep themselves safe (but only for those who do the Right thing, mind).

    Aren’t you even pleased by this magical Tory improvement? I can’t think why you’d stay so angry, at least…

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