
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

None So Blind As Those Who Do Not Want To See

Last updated on November 23rd, 2023 at 07:54 pm

Last updated on November 23rd, 2023 at 07:54 pm

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Apologies to any and all visually impaired, the title is in no way a dig at your good selves.  It is very much a dig at the Establishment and Main Stream Media that cannot see what is right in front of their eyes.

The BBC News ran a lengthy item about how the French Police are in danger of crumbling under their current pressures

Police under pressure: Who would be a French cop?

Very commendable, not a hint of sarcasm, it IS commendable, but why oh why can they not see that the same situation is in danger of arising in the UK.

Nearly 20.000 fewer Police Officers than 2010, and more still set to be discarded.  The French Police haven’t had to endure that scenario.

Constant criticism from politicians, press, IPCC, the list goes on.  Never ending criticism from all quarters.

The increasing risk of an attack, in some format, from ISIS or some other terrorist organisation.  The Intelligence network is good, but surely an attack will get through eventually?  I hope not but fear that it will.

Lack of support from the very top.  Many Forces suffer from this.  The Police Service has many bosses but many fewer Leaders.  The Police Service does not need to be defended at all costs against every issue.  If they are wrong then they are wrong and need to learn and move on, but when they are NOT wrong………well let’s just apologise and take the blame anyway.

All of these things, in varying proprtions, contribute to a lowered morale amongst the frontline troops.  We can see it in the French apparently but not at home.

Our Police, Armed Forces, NHS etc all deserve our SUPPORT more than ever at this time, not constant, often groundless, criticism.  When it is justified, and it sometimes is, fair enough.  When it is not, it should be rebutted robustly and publicly.

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3 Replies to “None So Blind As Those Who Do Not Want To See”

  1. Retiredandangry

    hank you Stella, somebody else left this comment on Twitter
    @Alanw47 @ukhomeoffice Now a politican has been murdered everybody is going mad….but many police officers have lost their lives for us
    I don’t want to get involved in TOO much mud slinging at this time, but basically the comment is true

    • Alan

      Somebody else made the following comment on Twitter Stella

      @Alanw47 @ukhomeoffice Now a politican has been murdered everybody is going mad….but many police officers have lost their lives for us

      I don’t want to get involved in TOO much mud slinging at this time, but the comment is basically true

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