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It IS All About The Numbers

IMG 2166

Last updated on October 18th, 2023 at 09:02 pm

Last updated on October 18th, 2023 at 09:02 pm

Reading Time: < 1 minute

I never thought I would be writing a post about the snow. However it has served to highlight the effect on Policing of factors outside of Crime. For the second time in a few months it is snowing. Some parts of the country are getting it bad.

The thing that has attracted my attention and focused my thinking was a message from a serving Police Officer re the weather.

Basically his Division has 5 times as many I (Immediate) calls on their system than they have officers to deal them. Most of the calls relate to collisions in the snow with persons being injured.

Another perfect example of the total absence of resilience in the modern day Police Service, courtesy of Theresa May. “It isn’t all about the numbers” “It is all about crime”. Yet today we see a situation, no doubt repeated across the country, where numbers WOULD make a difference and it’s absolutely nothing to do with snow.

This is totally down to May and Cameron, with a bit of help from Winsor and total acquiescence from ACPO/NPCC.

I have been asking for literally years, but now Insee senior Police Officers asking the same question

Just how low CAN we go?

It’s pretty much like shrinking the Army, crossing your fingers, and hoping we never have to go to war.

You have been caught out Mrs May. Admit you were wrong, stop this ridiculous vendetta, and get back to protecting and serving our population. Reverse your damaging, vindictive cuts as a matter of total priority. Acknowledge the #CrisisInPolicing and put everything right before it is too late and the system becomes irretrievable.

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One Reply to “It IS All About The Numbers”

  1. Gordon Williamson

    Spot on.
    Street level Police Officers warned of this from the very start but no Senior (ACPO) Police Officers backed them up.
    No Mrs May we did not cry wolf!
    You and Cameron were the wolves

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