
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

How Safe Do You Feel?

Last updated on August 22nd, 2023 at 01:35 pm

Last updated on August 22nd, 2023 at 01:35 pm

Reading Time: 3 minutes

It all started with a Tweet. Someone posted a chart of how violent crime had spiralled under the Tories. How Safe Do You Feel?

How Safe Do You Feel?

Well, I couldn’t leave it at that could I? I couldn’t resist comparing those figures with comparable stats for Police Officer numbers

How Safe Do You Feel?

Then somebody else posed the question of how these figures correspond to similar figures in Europe. To be honest I had no idea. I had read that following on from the Gilets Jaunes protest across France Gendarmerie morale was in the toilet, but as for numbers, not a clue.

So, here we go, hopefully more pictures than words for once.  How do we here in the UK compare with our European equivalents?  The stats are not up to the moment but I believe that they are the most recent available, and probably won’t be updated any time soon as we have now, effectively, left the EU.


How Safe Do You Feel?
How Safe Do You Feel?

In terms of outright offences we seem to be 4th in Europe, judged by Offences per 100,000 Population we are on a par with the majority of EU countries.


How Safe Do You Feel?

Way more Assaults than any other EU in terms of outright offences. Unfortunately there is no comparable data of Offences per 100,000 Population, plus different countries will have very different recording criteria, so it is difficult to make a direct comparison.


How Safe Do You Feel?
How Safe Do You Feel?

Whichever way you look at it England and Wales are pretty dire for Reported Robberies.


How Safe Do You Feel?
How Safe Do You Feel?

Once again, England and Wales are up there, amomgst the highest, however you count it.

UK Crime

How Safe Do You Feel?

Overall, total crimes per 100,000 head of population is definitely on its way back up. Strangely enough it started to go back up again in 2010, no idea what might have happened in 2010 to kickstart that pattern.

Just because it’s topical, how does Stop/Search activity correlate with Total Crime Levels? The latest data that I have is from 2018, but you can see the pattern.

How Safe Do You Feel?

Just for good measure, what happens to Crime when you reduce Police Numbers? Again 2018 is the latest data that I have but the pattern is clear to me.

How Safe Do You Feel?

Finally, Policing Across Europe

Infographic: The EU's Most Heavily Policed Countries  | Statista
How Safe Do You Feel? You will find more infographics at Statista

Quelle Surprise, this may be 2016 data, so it is slightly out of date, but right down the bottom with only Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Hungary having fewer Police Officers per 100,000 head of Population. Sadly only our ineffective government can change this

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