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The 43 Forces Of England And Wales Are Recruiting

keyboard warrior Beware The Guardians of Social Media

Last updated on May 8th, 2023 at 11:42 am

Last updated on May 8th, 2023 at 11:42 am

Reading Time: 2 minutes


According to Saturday’s Grauniad Her Regal Highness Theresa May has decided that volunteers can be given what she calls ‘Police Powers’ and used to investigate ‘Sex Crimes’ and ‘Terror Offences’.  Since the staggering number of frontline officers that have left the Police Service since the beginning of ‘Reform’ the government are refusing to set limits on what these volunteers might actually be required to do.

Asked in the House of Commons last week whether their use would be limited in cases of child sexual exploitation, serious crime and counter-terrorism James Brokenshire revealed that no such limits would be set.

“Our consultation on the reform of the roles and powers of civilians and volunteers demonstrated the demand from forces for flexibility in how they deploy volunteer staff, and therefore we should not make assumptions about the operational areas where volunteers can make a contribution.   These reforms will place the individual decision-making as to which personnel perform which roles firmly in the hands of chief officers, who have the professional expertise and local knowledge to know which powers are needed in their area.”

Or, in plain English, “Oh shit, we’ve got rid of too many experienced Police Officers and now the Forces can’t cope.  We have to do something to make it look like Reform is working or we would lose face.  Using volunteers fills that gap without government having to back-pedal”

To be clear I have no objection to the use of volunteers, in appropriate scenarios.  I would suggest that these are NOT appropriate scenarios.  Let these thousands of volunteers join the Specials.  The Special Constabulary have done stirling work for decades, but this is not what Cruella is suggesting.

It isn’t that long since Gidiot was bollocked for his claim that he was, after all, going to protect the Police Budgets, when in reality there are cuts of £160 million looming, the equivalent of 3,200 officers over the next two years.

So, as I see it, Gidiot has got his figures wrong, Cruella has slashed and burned far too hard and now she’s trying to sell volunteers as the saviour of the day.  You can put this right at any time, you just have to say the word and we can begin rebuilding the Police Service, but volunteers are not the way to go.

What do you think?

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4 Replies to “The 43 Forces Of England And Wales Are Recruiting”

  1. Soontobegone

    I see the media are all over this,..,………….. Maybe not.

    The general attitude of these Tories “a la” Mitchell are plod are just that, plod. Plebs, anyone can do the job.

    Well members of the public. You were mainly quiet and l think some silently believed what the government were saying about the police.

    That said I do know that most folk were looking after their own problems too so understand why they may have been preoccupied and disinterested in someone elses problems.

    Government tactics win again, divide and conquer.

    Now mops may wish they had stood up and voted when they had the chance. 2020 is a long way off and they are not finished.

    Good luck to all. We’ll need it.

  2. Gordon Williamson

    Alan, this makes me feel sick to my stomach!
    All rank and file officers could see that the cuts would not work.
    Now that they have not and the best police force in the world has be reduced to an unworkable shambles they are proposing to bring in untrained, unskilled and unpaid volunteers who can’t be bound and controlled by discipline and regulations to fill the gap.
    This can’t be the answer and is not the answer to an under funded and under resourced Police.
    The responsibility for this debacle lies with our Politians (not just those in power, but all parties) the press and our Senior Management they have all acquiesed to the destruction of a once proud Police Service.
    This will not work and is destined for a catastrophic failure!
    This will lead to a drastically reduced service, inefficiency, potential loss of life and miscarriages of justice.
    I dispair, what does it take for these people to realise the utter foley of these ill thought out and reckless policies.
    Perhaps the best thing retired officers could do is form a Police milita and enforce the laws of the land.
    They would have the skills, experience and knowledge to act with better judgement than these volunteers.
    In law they would have greater justification to carry out law enforcement duties than these government volunteers.
    I’d put money on it, that they would break the current policing system by bringing in so many arrests, the system as it stands would not be able to cope.
    But that is not the answer! there is no substitute for a well trained and properly resourced Police Service

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