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Will The Last One Out Please Turn Off The Lights – UK PLC Is Heading For The Badlands

Reading Time: 3 minutes

As a devout cynic I shuddered mightily when the announcement, followed by the reality, that we were going to (and have done) lose 17,500 Police Officers under Dave Camoron’s ‘Reforms’.

That was bad enough and I don’t need to go over old ground, we have all seen the reality, the constant ‘Crying Wolf’, Cuts do indeed have Consequences and we are seeing them.  It was brought home to me JUST how bad things are this weekend, the Notting Hill Carnival.  As an established veteran of that event dating back to the most awful events of 1976 I always take an interest in how it’s going.

6,000 officers on Sunday (traditionally Children’s Day) and 7,000 officers on Monday.  Over 300 arrests across the 2 days, 44 arrests for Knife-related offences, and at least one if not two Police Officers stabbed.  I heard a rumour (unsubstantiated I agree, but neither has it been denied) that the Met ran out of Custody space at 10.30 on Monday night.  That is a disgraceful situation,. there must be dozens of redundant Custody Suites dotted around the Met in Stations that have not yet been sold off or closed down, but, oh yes, you need experienced officers to staff them.

Then, to compound my angst, I caught up with the predictions that we are set to lose anything up to 22,000 jobs, and this based on the lowest estimate of a 25% budget cut, it could be as much as 40%.

Several Chief Officers are now coming out of the woodwork to complain about the cuts, with few exceptions, we should have heard from them so much sooner.

In the midst of it all we have whiny, negative Sara Thornton, who I always thought was better than that, banging on about how we can’t cope, we’ll have to stop visiting burglary scenes, etc etc, instead of using her privileged position to properly fight back.  Give them some stick Sara, what have you got to lose?

I should be used to negativity from senior officers by now, but it still doesn’t sit well, how can anybody follow a Chief Constable who is hell-bent on apologising and making excuses for problems caused by government?


It’s a good job I’m not a cynical man or I might think that the current furore in the press about Police Cars without sirens being used in a Response mode was designed to deflect public attention away from the bigger problem.  That is a separate, and valid, argument/discussion in its own right, but basically caused solely by Camoron’s savage desire to ‘Reform’ the Police Service.

More and more people are beginning to notice that their politicians are lying to them (allegedly) and it is no duty of a politician of any colour to tell outright porkies.

Camoron, Cruella, Milky Bar – You are NOT Reforming the Police Service, you are ANNIHILATING it.  Stick THAT in your Manifesto’

Surely it is time for ALL Chief Constables, NPCC, PCCs, Federations and PFEW to join forces and totally condemn these evil practices and show a united front for once.  Is that so unreasonable?

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3 Replies to “Will The Last One Out Please Turn Off The Lights – UK PLC Is Heading For The Badlands”

  1. Ken Ord

    Remove all protection from MP’s/VIP’s etc. due to cost saving,then we would get a response alright.Ofcourse CC’s would’nt allow it ,bugger everyone else

  2. Gordon Williamson

    I will try not to get into a rant about this. Not as easy as it may seem! You are of course right this is not reform, it is not to increase efficiency it is a deliberate act to decimate the Police Service and introduce further privatisation. If they wanted reform and efficiency they would have consulted those who have years of experience who’s voice has been ignored by successive Governments and Senior Police Officers. Who are often too arrogant and convinced of their own infallibility to listen to those who have to try and enforce or make one hair brained scheme work after another. The Government is one thing, they are politicians and as such are political. One should be inclined to disbelieve whatever comes out of their mouths. They will always operate from a position of self interest and not in the interest of the greater good. Senior Police Officers/Management (whatever it is they like to call themselves) should bow their heads in shame they have consistently acted without regard for those they represent. In case they are confused they represent their officers and the general public. They are supposed to be leaders unfortunately I see few of those amongst their ranks. Most of their officers have lost faith in their ability to lead or act with honour. They are now just another level in the political monster and jump from one minority interest group to the next little caring for the cause they profess to show interest in only caring for how it will enhance their political aspirations. I apologise to those who do have a greater calling and do try to act with honour but your voice has been lost. Your Officers and the public would love to hear some sanity above the constant posturing. They would like the Police Service to have the opportunity to get on with the job in hand and not listen to talk about reducing the service we offer the public. A reduction in the service we offer means that those that are disadvantaged the most are the poor and the minorities that can’t afford to pay for private security! Alan thanks for fighting the good fight and giving voice to those of us who feel strongly about the destruction of the finest Police Service in the World. OK I couldn’t help it, I ranted!

    • Alan

      Thanks Gordon,

      Faced with further cuts of 25-40% what service CAN we offer? Any sane person can see that you can’t decimate an organisation on this scale AND maintain levels of service.

      One thing that most of our politicians are not, is stupid. They know full well what is likely to happen, yet they sit meekly back and say nought, copied by our NPCC Chief.

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