
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.


  • Thumbnail for End Of Year State Of The Metropolitan Police

    End Of Year State Of The Metropolitan Police

    Reading Time: 3 minutes This week saw the release of the March 2024 Workforce levels.  I can finally see what the end of year state of the Metropolitan Police…

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  • Thumbnail for The Met Still Having Problems

    The Met Still Having Problems

    Reading Time: 2 minutes In the second of the brief updates on previous posts this one provides an update on Met Manpower, and Met Manpower Part 2. Once again,…

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  • Thumbnail for Met Manpower

    Met Manpower

    Reading Time: 2 minutes I make absolutely no apology for the title Met Manpower, as I use man in the ‘mankind’ context and nothing to do with gender at…

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  • Thumbnail for Against The Odds

    Against The Odds

    Reading Time: 3 minutes As a rule I try not to promote the BBC, I personally find them to be less than independent, and frequently appear to be more…

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  • Thumbnail for Thousands of Met Police Officers Have Been Told Not To Use Sex Workers

    Thousands of Met Police Officers Have Been Told Not To Use Sex Workers

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Thousands of Met Police Officers have been told not to use Sex Workers. It has been reported in The Mail and The Sun that instructions…

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  • Thumbnail for The Rowley 1000

    The Rowley 1000

    Reading Time: 2 minutes This post is as much for me as anybody else, and I hope it will be a short one. I got myself in a right…

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  • Thumbnail for Those Pesky Drugs Stops

    Those Pesky Drugs Stops

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Before I begin, I need to make it clear that anything you read here only applies to those pesky drugs stops in the Metropolitan Police…

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  • Thumbnail for How Safe Are We Really?

    How Safe Are We Really?

    Reading Time: 4 minutes I often think “How Safe Are We Really?” I had hoped to write this a week or two ago, when it was slightly more at…

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  • Thumbnail for Stop And Search, The Work Of The Devil, Right?

    Stop And Search, The Work Of The Devil, Right?

    Reading Time: 3 minutes I wasn’t intending to write anything at all this morning, but this headline from the Grauniad changed my mind. Met police criticised for multiple errors…

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  • Thumbnail for Bloody Civvies

    Bloody Civvies

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Behind every good cop is a bloody civvie.  The oft-forgotten backbone of the Police Service is the Police Staff, affectionately known as the bloody civvies.…

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