
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

The Met Still Having Problems

Met Manpower Part 2 Staffing Levels
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In the second of the brief updates on previous posts this one provides an update on Met Manpower, and Met Manpower Part 2.

Once again, I don’t propose to say much about it, I’m quite happy for the Met’s Senior Management (not Leaders) to explain. A short selection of infographics will, I suggest, outline the woes of the Metropolitan Police with only a few words necessary.


Experience Profile 2
Experience Profile 2

Experience Profile
The main thing to say about this is that A THIRD of the Met has less than 4 years service. A further 19% have only between 5 and 9 years service.  Read into that what you will, but it does not sit well with me.

Recruitment & Attrition

The Met Still Having Problems
Joiners vs Leavers

The main thing that concerns me about this one is the fact that for many of the past few months the Leavers have been equal to or more than the Joiners.

Routes Out of the Met

The Met Still Having Problems
All Routes Out

The main thing that concerns me about this image, is that across the past 12 months Voluntary Resignations have exceeded Retirements by a long way.  Not only me, but the Met’s Senior Management, the Home Office, the Mayor of London, and the residents of the Metropolis should all be highly concerned.


The Shape of the Met

The Met Still Having Problems
Total Strength (Police Officers)

Not much to say here, an almost constant decline in numbers, with no sign of stopping. All beginning with Cameron, May, Austerity and Winsor.  The current administration needs to publicly acknowledge the errors of the past and put them right, properly, but there’s no quick fix.


Met Manpower Part 2 Staffing Levels
Met Manpower Part 2 Staffing Levels
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3 Replies to “The Met Still Having Problems”

  1. Kevin Smith

    It makes for very sad reading. You’d have to be desperate or stupid to join Policing atm, but especially the Met.
    Ask any retired Officer how to fix it and they’d have the right answers in seconds, but of course they won’t ask.

  2. Eric Roberts

    The met recruited from all over the country yonks ago. Section houses to accommodate, most full. Cannot get enough recruits from home counties.

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