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A Little Bit Of Hypocrisy Here?

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Last updated on August 22nd, 2023 at 12:58 pm

Last updated on August 22nd, 2023 at 12:58 pm

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I hear there has been a report published by HMICFRS that is very critical of Greater Manchester Police’s Crime Recording record and the service they have provided to public in general and victims. My immediate reaction to that is there a little bit of hypocrisy Here?. With just a bit of arrogance.

It is a matter of (controversial) public record that the Tories under Camoron and Cruella set about a series of swingeing cuts to the Police Service under the guise of Austerity.

When the Tories came to power in May 2010 Greater Manchester Police had a total of 8,148 Police Officers, 3,927 Police Staff and 842 PCSOs. Fast Forward to March 2020 and they had 6.866 Police Officers, 3,524 Police Staff and 560 PCSOs.

A Little Bit Of Hypocrisy Here?

During this period Tom Winsor undertook a controversial review of the Police Services and published several recommendations, the majority of which were implemented by the then Home Secretary Theresa May. In recognition of his fine work Tom Winsor became SIR Tom Winsor and was appointed as Chief Inspector, Her Majetsy’s Inspectorate of Constabulary.

This is the very same organisation that has published the document referenced above, being critical of the performance of GMP in various functions.

MY VERY PERSONAL take on this is that it smacks very much of hypocrisy when you look back at the history of what has happened in the last 10 and a bit years.

Not once have HMRC/HMRCFRS stood up against government and opposed the cuts. Who is their head honcho? Tom Winsor who was instrumental in much of this carnage,

HMRCFRS really ought to remember what they are called. HER MAJESTY’S INSPECTORATE OF CONSTABULARY. Not the government’s Inspectorate, not Theresa May’s Inspectorate, not David Camoron’s Inspectorate, not even Priti Patel or Boris Johnson’s Inspectorate, but HER MAJESTY’S.

As such they really ought to keep out of politics, criticise and improve the Police when it is appropriate and stand up to the government cuts when that is appropriate. Her Majesty is supposedly independent when it comes to politics. Well so should any Inspectorate that bears her title in their name. They represent Her Maj, but are actually carrying out Theresa May’s bidding through the side door (not quite out of sight).

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