
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

The Government Has Most Definitely Forgotten

IMG 2166

Last updated on October 24th, 2023 at 03:48 pm

Last updated on October 24th, 2023 at 03:48 pm

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Not being subject to the rules of Purdah, I can have a moan.

The term ‘purdah’ is in use across central and local government to describe the period of time immediately before elections or referendums when specific restrictions on the activity of civil servants are in place. The terms ‘pre-election period’ and ‘period of sensitivity’ are also used.

Being neither politician nor Civil Servant **** you!!

What is it that the government has forgotten?

The first duty of any government is to protect the public.

How do they do this?

Well not by reducing the numbers of Police Officers available for duty at any one time that’s for sure.
The picture doesn’t look much better when you look at the TOTAL Police Workforce

Where are all these officers (or not)?

Sadl some areas are much better served proportionately than others, but ALL have seen a reduction in Policing levels.

Somewhere in the region of FIVE Polices have been culled since 2010.  What might that look like?

This is one I made earlier when there were only 17,000 fewer officers, you’ll have to imagine the rest.  Colour Avon and Somerset black also and you’re almost there.

this Is What 17,000 Fewer Cops LOOKS Like Just imagine driving round the black area, not seeing a single PoliceOfficer and KNOWING THERE WERE NONE anyway.

In the background, relentlessly bubbling away, is a population constantly growing

So, THIS is how our government are complying with their first duty.  THIS is how we are being protected.  Or NOT

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