
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

Tag: Cuts

  • Ask A Policeman?

    Reading Time: 1 minute if I wanted to know how to make an atomic bomb (that will definitely get me on a list somewhere) I would ask a Nuclear…

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  • Some VERY Interesting Numbers

    Reading Time: 3 minutes I am grateful to one of my readers for sending me the link to the National Audit Office report from last week.  Not the edited…

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  • Gidiot’s Friday Quickie

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Osborne does it again, he really does have a total contempt for ‘ordinary’ folk. George Osborne is to start selling the state’s £32bn stake in…

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  • Metropolitan Police – A Force In Crisis?

    Reading Time: 2 minutes As a former Met officer I never in my wildest dreams thought I would see the day when the Met was anything less than the…

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  • Just Open Another Box

    Reading Time: 2 minutes If ever I needed proof that the government have succeeded in hoodwinking the great British Public it was served up in abundance on last night’s BBC1.…

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  • Come On Cruella – Explain It To Us

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Ii have heard many eloquent people highlighting the problems faced by Police and Public alike caused by the government’s reckless policy of repeatedly cutting the…

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  • Ponder This Cruella

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Thursday saw a bizarre event. The people voted and it seems that the people voted for five more years of Cuts and Austerity, and that…

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  • The Numbers Just Don’t Make Sense Imelda

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Nearly 17,000 trained Police Officers have been discarded by the current coalition since they came to power. A similar number of Police Staff (civvies in…

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