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Gidiot’s Friday Quickie

Last updated on August 4th, 2023 at 08:25 pm

Last updated on August 4th, 2023 at 08:25 pm

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Osborne does it again, he really does have a total contempt for ‘ordinary’ folk.

George Osborne is to start selling the state’s £32bn stake in Royal Bank of Scotland at a loss, telling a City audience that delay would be bad for the economy, taxpayer and bank.

I know it was Gordon Brown who bought into. RBS and not Gideon, but independent bankers Rothschilds have estimated that if Osborne goes ahead with the sale, at today’s share prices, then he would make a loss of £7.2 Billion on the deal, and this would be good for the economy, taxpayer and bank?

I can see immediately how it would benefit the bank, but a £7.2 Billion loss good for the taxpayer and economy?? In whose world?

Just how many Police Officers, Nurses, Soldiers would £7.2 Billion fund?  How many more officers on your beat? How many Police Stations would be saved from closure?

Just a thought, nice one Gidiot.

Have a good weekend one and all.

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