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I Am Actually Ashamed

Last updated on September 20th, 2023 at 02:49 pm

Last updated on September 20th, 2023 at 02:49 pm

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s not often you will hear me say that I am actually ashamed. (OK, I know you’re reading it)

Today’s headlines have just stunned me into (almost) silence and left me ashamed that I was ever a member of the same organisation

I locked myself in car as Westminster bridge attacker struck, says Met chief

I could easily swear here, but I won’t.  What made it worse was this one from last year though,

New Year Honours: Officer who witnessed Westminster attack among police recognised

It doesn’t even stop there, whilst one MP, Tobias Ellwood,  was trying in vain to save PC Keith Palmer’s life, another one, Mike Fabricant, had locked himself in his office drinking whisky

I am actually ashameed

MP Tobias Ellwood who tried to save Keith Palmer in Westminster terror attack says murdered Pc ‘was the hero… not me’

I fully accept that it’s a long time since I retired from the Met, and that almost everything has changed, but where has the loyalty to your comrades gone.  If one of our PCs needed help the canteen would empty in an effort to assist.  The Inspector and Sergeants would go and I have even witnessed a Commander administer the Attitude Test.  There is no excuse for an officer of any rank (in my opinion) to lock himself in his car and not assist a man who subsequently died.

Sir Craig, then the Met’s acting commissioner, said his first instinct was to secure his chauffeur-driven car. “I was sitting in the car with two other people, one colleague had clearly seen what was going on,” he told Masood’s inquest at the Old Bailey. “I locked the doors — we had no protective equipment, no radios, we had been in a ministerial meeting and literally came out of that.”

His first instinct was to secure his chauffeur-driven car?  What kind of a moron puts steel and rubber before a human being?

No PPE?  No radio?  Welcome to the world of Policing.  I spent all of the years I patrolled the streets armed with a torch, a whistle and a trucnheon. with a radio to call for backup then hit someone with it.  Why were you on the streets of London without even a truncheon?  Is being a Senior Officer some reason not to carry one out on the streets?  Does it exempt you from Policing in some way?  We had to produce ours on Parade before we were allowed out.

Sorry Mr Mackie, your attitude stinks.  I hate to think what Keith Palmer’s widow will make of this revelation.  I certainly don’t think you deserve a Knightood, even it was for saving the Met £400 Million on paperclips or something.  You COULD have stood up to the government  and contested the cuts, but you chose not to.

I look forward to the days that will now follow to see what the public, the Federation and Keith Palmer’s widow have to say about today’s revelations.  If I were “Sir Craig” I honestly think that my resignation would be on the Commission’s desk first thing tomorrow.  The modern day Police Service needs Leaders not Bean Counters.

Dear Public, I feel I have to apologise for our Leadership, they’re not all the same, honestly.

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10 Replies to “I Am Actually Ashamed”

  1. Tim Sinclair

    Hope no company or charity, gives him a directorship. What a shining example of leadership to the troops this is!

  2. Richard

    A PC would face a conduct panel and potential criminal charges. It seems a PC at scene advised him to leave shortly after the terrorist has been shot dead. So he did! At the very least he could have taken command on scene. I suspect and hope he will announce his retirement soon the better to avoid what should be a detailed investigation into his lack of action that day.

  3. Jeff Piper

    Take his knighthood away. And the QPM he probably got.
    Also have him investigated for dereliction of duty..

  4. Rob Moon

    I have not felt this angry for a good while. I am ashamed that that individual wore the same uniform, and took the same oath as I did. I would not be able to show my face if I had behaved as he did. I have never shirked my responsibility and DUTY to intervene in the protection of life and property without fear or favour. He might be in a high rank but he is still an appointed Constable.

  5. J Wood

    How can he sleep at night.?A police officer needed help and he locked himself into his car how can he take his pay?
    Keith Palmer lost his life as this coward stayed safe. This beggars belief.

  6. Trev

    My pi$$ is boiling, my BP is through the roof, and I want this charlatan of a copper outed wherever he goes for the rest of his miserable cowardly life

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