
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

Metropolitan Police

  • Thumbnail for End Of Year State Of The Metropolitan Police

    End Of Year State Of The Metropolitan Police

    Reading Time: 3 minutes This week saw the release of the March 2024 Workforce levels.  I can finally see what the end of year state of the Metropolitan Police…

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  • Thumbnail for The Met in Crisis?

    The Met in Crisis?

    Reading Time: 4 minutes I may have mentioned this before, but Sir Mark Rowley believes that there is a crisis in the Met.  In particular, he believes this crisis…

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  • Thumbnail for The Met Still Having Problems

    The Met Still Having Problems

    Reading Time: 2 minutes In the second of the brief updates on previous posts this one provides an update on Met Manpower, and Met Manpower Part 2. Once again,…

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  • Thumbnail for Stubborn or Persistent? You Decide.

    Stubborn or Persistent? You Decide.

    Reading Time: 2 minutes In August year I wrote a post relating to my submission of an an FOIA request to the Metropolitan Police concerning Murders and Ethnicity in…

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  • Thumbnail for Met Manpower

    Met Manpower

    Reading Time: 2 minutes I make absolutely no apology for the title Met Manpower, as I use man in the ‘mankind’ context and nothing to do with gender at…

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  • Thumbnail for The Times They Are A Changed

    The Times They Are A Changed

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Apologies to Mr Dylan. Those of you who read my posts regularly will note that this one is a tad different to the norm. Unless…

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  • Thumbnail for The Angiolini Report

    The Angiolini Report

    Reading Time: 4 minutes Today there has been much discussion, debate and many views and questions following the publication of The Angiolini Report. Lady Elish Angiolini has been conducting an…

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  • Thumbnail for Lies Damn Lies and the Home Office

    Lies Damn Lies and the Home Office

    Reading Time: 2 minutes There has been discussion recently (again) about Police staffing levels, in the face of an increase in UK population, an increase in demand and the…

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  • Thumbnail for Against The Odds

    Against The Odds

    Reading Time: 3 minutes As a rule I try not to promote the BBC, I personally find them to be less than independent, and frequently appear to be more…

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  • Thumbnail for Does The Met Have A Recruitment/Retention Problem?

    Does The Met Have A Recruitment/Retention Problem?

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Does the Met have a Recruitment/Retention problem? I didn’t really think so until very recenttly.  The savagery of Theresa May’s cuts caught up with them…

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