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BREAKING NEWS:- Mike Pannett To Stand For North Yorks PCC

keyboard warrior Beware The Guardians of Social Media
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hear ye, hear ye, at 11 o’clock this morning it will be announced that our very own Mike Pannett will be standing for election to the post of Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire.

Needless to say he will be standing as an Independent candidate, free from the shackles and interference of Party Politics.

There can be few people better qualified to stand.

Mike is fiercely independent.

He has a solid background in Policing.

He is well known, not only in North Yorkshire, but now nationally thanks to his contributions to numerous news stories and Current Affairs stories in the mainstream media.

Mike knows from personal experience how Policing should work, and he commands the respect of many Front Line officers thanks to his never-ending support for the Police, particularly the Front Line.

People across the country know that Mike firmly believes that Party Politics has no place whatsoever in Policing, not in the current era, nor any other.

A well respected local, retired Naval Officer, Rear Admiral Bob Cooling,  has this to say in support of Mike

As a former officer in the Royal Navy who spent 34 years in the service of my country, loyal to the Crown regardless of the colour of Her Majesty’s Government, I see three compelling reasons why Mike Pannett is the right choice for PCC in North Yorkshire:

First, he is an Independent candidate and therefore unencumbered by a political agenda and able to serve the whole community without the distraction of party politics. Politics should not be mixed with public service and Mike really understands that.

Second, he combines an unmatched wealth of experience of the Police Service and community issues (both rural and urban) having served as a police officer for 20 years and subsequently been deeply immersed in community affairs in North Yorkshire.

Third, he is a man who is utterly committed to delivering the support and resources our beleaguered Police Service so desperately needs, while also ensuring that our community receives the best possible support from a Police service that is adequately funded, skilfully led, and highly motivated.

With this rare and admirable combination of attributes Mike Pannett is in my view the most compelling candidate at this critical time for the role of PCC in North Yorkshire.

There’s not much more I can add to that really, but if you agree that Mike Pannett (@MikePannett) is the right man for North Yorshire’s PCC in next year’s elections then send him a message of support if you wish and if you live in North Yorks please think very carefully and vote next year, and hopefully that vote will be for Mike.

I thank you.

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3 Replies to “BREAKING NEWS:- Mike Pannett To Stand For North Yorks PCC”

  1. Matthew Crawford

    Nobody more qualified to stand than someone who’s actually walked the beat not like the other Pccs who are only bothered about scoring points for their political party’s.

  2. Ian Templeton

    Well I for one wish him well. He always speaks well when I hear him on the radio. The only downside is that he will not be writing any more books. Good luck Mike

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