
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

Author: RetiredAndAngry

  • Thumbnail for End Of Year State Of The Metropolitan Police

    End Of Year State Of The Metropolitan Police

    This week saw the release of the March 2024 Workforce levels.  I can finally see what the end of year state of the Metropolitan Police is.  Did the downward trend continue, or was it just a transitory blip? … Read the whole post
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  • Thumbnail for The Met in Crisis?

    The Met in Crisis?

    I may have mentioned this before, but Sir Mark Rowley believes that there is a crisis in the Met.  In particular, he believes this crisis has been brought about  by lack of funding, and poor recruitment. … Read the whole post
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  • Thumbnail for Purdah? What Purdah?

    Purdah? What Purdah?

    Just a short one today, winding down, less than 3 months till I finally shut up and leave you all in peace.  With the 2024 General Election  due next month, a whole sector of the population is effectively gagged by Purdah.… Read the whole post
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  • Thumbnail for Met faces lowest staffing levels in decade, says Sir Mark Rowley

    Met faces lowest staffing levels in decade, says Sir Mark Rowley

    I have posted twice recently about the changing size and profile of the Metropolitan Police. I’m not one of Sir Mark Rowley’s fans, but I do want to agree with his comments on staffing levels. … Read the whole post
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  • Thumbnail for Met Manpower Part 2

    Met Manpower Part 2

    One interesting response to my previous post was that I was contacted by a couple of former Met officers informing me that they really “don’t give a shit”.  I wasn’t offended, but I was saddened that anybody who devoted the majority, or all, of their working lives to the Met no longer gives a shit. … Read the whole post
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  • Thumbnail for Met Manpower

    Met Manpower

    I make absolutely no apology for the title Met Manpower, as I use man in the ‘mankind’ context and nothing to do with gender at all.  I’m of an age where I get fed up with being bullied and humiliated into not using perfectly acceptable, common-usage terms. … Read the whole post
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  • Thumbnail for The Angiolini Report

    The Angiolini Report

    Today there has been much discussion, debate and many views and questions following the publication of The Angiolini Report. Lady Elish Angiolini has been conducting an enquiry following the shocking events surrounding former PC Wayne Couzens and others.… Read the whole post
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  • Thumbnail for Why Do I Bother?

    Why Do I Bother?

    Events from the last week or so have left me wondering “Why do I bother?” In no particular order, the sort of things that have been vexing me are; The extraordinary outcome of an investigation by the Independent Office for Police Conduct, but that is far from being an isolated incident. … Read the whole post
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  • Thumbnail for Exactly Why TJF

    Exactly Why TJF

    The main reason I’m writing this is simply because it’s too long for an X Was Twitter.  The other reason is to share my views on how & why TJF. I have spent most of this morning on the phone trying to source a new TV because I was stupid enough to watch the latest episode of To Catch A Copper,  The Chief Constable of Avon and Somerset, Sarah Crew, had invited the cameras in to see how the PSD and Anti Corruption Unit work, what they do and a cross-section of the sort of incidents they deal with.… Read the whole post
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  • Thumbnail for Independent Office for Police Conduct

    Independent Office for Police Conduct

    This week saw the publication of the Independent Office for Police Conduct Annual Report.   Fear not, I’m not going to subject you to a precis of all 152 pages, just some of them.… Read the whole post
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