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The Right Honourable James Patrick

Reading Time: 2 minutes

James Patrick is an honourable man. When the current fundraising campaign was launched he was away in the West Country spending time with close family. He was not aware of the campaign, he had not requested it neither had he been consulted. He returned home, logged into Social Media and a) became aware for the first time what was being done on his behalf and b) became aware of the criticism one or more of his friends was taking on SM for attempting to raise funds and the suggestion that it may be a scam.

I know the identity of the person ‘holding’ the monies (as well as his wife) and, personally, I have complete faith in his integrity. The fund organiser may have jumped in to help without notice but there is no danger, in my opinion,  that donations would ever go astray or not be used for the stated purpose. James is nevertheless a little uncomfortable with this campaign because a) he is still a serving Police Officer, albeit not for much longer and b) he has never wanted to benefit financially from his ‘whistleblowing’.’

It is proposed that any monies donated will sit in the Paypal account until some date in the future when James needs them to help fund his Employment Tribunal (Legal Advice and ET costs etc).  His friends do suspect, however, that the Patrick family are likely to need support long before the ET sits.

Anyone who is not completely happy with that or has seen the suggestion that this is some kind of scam can have their donations refunded in full. With this in mind can anyone who has made a donation please let me know by Private Message or by emailing the fund organiser at help4james AT yahoo DOT co DOT uk whether you are happy for your donations to be used in this way or if you would like your donation refunded. Individuals’ wishes will, of course, remain confidential.

I apologise for the inconvenience and hope that this will resolve the issues



Thank you all very much

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2 Replies to “The Right Honourable James Patrick”

  1. ideb8

    It seems there’s a group of Twits claimimg to be concerned for James or his honour but whose sole purpose seems to be his financial downfall.

    Rather than enquire from friends of James as to whether the funds being raised on his future behalf will be held safely or are being collected by knaves and robbers, they attack with a vitriol whose only purpose can be to deprive PC Patrick and his family of future support.

    Rather than read the pages linked to from the ‘HelpThePatricks’ twitter profile, the Twits mindlessly insult any supporters associated with the fundraising effort.

    I trust they haven’t fooled themselves (or anyone else) into believing they support James because their destructive abuse proves their interests are with those in the Met management who have already destroyed the career of a fine officer and it is obvious that their vindictiveness still has a deep well of malice in reserve, itching for deployment.

    We’ve received no queries at all to despite the claimed lack of vital information. Rather than hound Alan like a pack of bored hyenas for his rock solid support for James, can the Twits now prove they actually care one iota for the welfare of James and his family?

    • retiredandangry

      Not one person has asked me for their donation to be refunded, and in fact previous donors have intimated that they will donate again next month.

      I am not hiding behind an anonymous account, I’m quite willing to answer questions from anyone who has the courtesy to tell me who they are

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