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RIP Old Friend TJF


Last updated on October 31st, 2023 at 10:13 pm

Last updated on October 31st, 2023 at 10:13 pm

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I wrote a short piece on the Book of Faeces this morning, that was in a Closed Group, so most of you won’t have have seen it.  RIP Old Friend TJF, a personal opinion of how I see the future of the Metropolitan Police Service Not Force.

It’s more than 50 years since I joined the Met, and I was proud to serve, proud of my achievements and successes and immensely grateful and appreciative of the friendships I made and the genuine support from the upper floors when things occasionally went a bit wonky.
Despite all that I have heard TJF for more than 50 years.
Well, I have to tell you that TJF especially in London, even NORF.
We all know about the effects of the cuts, I don’t need to babble on about those, but even though Boris wouldn’t go as far as to admit that May’s cuts had been wholly wrong, he came up with the Police Uplift Programme, a huge illusion that centred on the lie that he was funding 20,000 extra officers, soon to be relabelled as ‘New’ officers.
Believe it or not, the Met was the only Force in the country not to recruit their target number of ‘New’ officers. For that, the Home Office withheld £31 Million of funding. That will help.
The glorious Police Uplift Programme reached its natural end on 31st March this year. I read yesterday that on top of failing to reach its target, losing £31M, the Met has now LOST over 700 officers in the following 6 months.
It really isn’t difficult to work out why the troops are leaving, under attack from all directions, including from inside. I have the utmost respect and appreciation for all the troops who dig in and stay, but I really can’t work out why they do.
It’s quite clear that the College and NPCC (possibly under instruction from Home Office) seem to prefer the idea of short term contracts, with officers leaving Policing, going elsewhere, then hopefully rejoining at some point in the future.
Apologies for the Friday morning rant, I really don’t see how the Met can survive in any form that is familiar with us, but I hope that I’m wrong. I’m off now to lie down in a darkened room before I tackle my morning muesli with Almond Milk
RIP Old Friend TJF
RIP Old Friend TJF
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2 Replies to “RIP Old Friend TJF”

  1. hugh hunter

    How sad to read such words from a straight talking Police Officer with so much experience of front line policing.
    I am also a retired cop and I endorse every point he makes. Mrs May was a foolish attention seeking woman who put ambition above her job and destroyed effective policing. Woke and parasite, political, run-at-the-mouth commentators, have manipulated senior police officers to the extent that their sole role is to stutter some sort of apology and the byline, “we will make changes(to suite you) and learn lessons”. LEARN ! From Who? I am now a citizen with a helpless police service. Attention Politicians!. Leave the senior police officers to run the police and back them up

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