
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

RetiredAndAngry’s Whistle-Blowing Policy

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I sat down this morning to watch the video of the Greater London Policing and Crime Committee meeting from 13th May and to read the transcript of same meeting.

I very soon thought I was watching an episode of The Muppet Show.

There was somebody there impersonating the Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolis.  He couldn’t have been a real policeman because he kept using posh twatty words like Inculcate;

“I think our procedure, and I accept you do not have this but when you get it you will see that actually by rewarding them, is to effectively inculcate them and to provide some support around them in terms of the process around it. In terms of bringing things forward and raising issues, that is one of those things that we constantly say. The rewarding as well is about being very clear on where the values of the organisation are, so being very clear with people about doing the right thing, the courage and integrity you need to step forward and say things that are wrong in your place of business. The reward per se, we have looked at things like, and I know some people talked about, “Do you commend everyone who blows the whistle?” It feels a bit like a gimmick, I have to say, that sort of thing. “


Roger Evans AM: I am surprised that you think that commending people for it is a gimmick. I suppose it would be if you commended everyone. If you commended people where they had found something really serious that you are pleased to have been told and been able to put right–

Craig Mackey (Deputy Police Commissioner, Metropolitan Police Service): Absolutely, yes.

Roger Evans AM:– that seems to me to be entirely appropriate.

Craig Mackey (Deputy Police Commissioner, Metropolitan Police Service): Yes.

Roger Evans AM: Does it happen? Do you have any examples?

Craig Mackey (Deputy Police Commissioner, Metropolitan Police Service): No. At times people get rewarded and thanked for raising issues and other times they do not.

And then we have absolute pearls like this;

“I can think of some examples where the support has been right, they have raised an issue about their supervisor and the supervisor has gone, or moved, so they have been absolutely right in terms of that approach. I welcome views if  colleagues think there is a way of rewarding people for whistleblowing, or incentivising it.”

Does Mackey really think it’s as simple as moving a supervisor who’s been complained about?  What chuffing planet are you on?  Not the same one as me obviously.

Well, that looks like a bloody good, consistent policy then.

The full encounter can be found here, it’s a great read.

Which brings me on to the title of today’s piece.

RetiredAndAngry’s Whistle-Blowing Policy is this

I promote a system that encourages people to bring to the notice of their senior management or appropriate body  all examples of wrong-doing or malpractice without fear of repercussions.  I actively discourage the Blame Culture that pervades so many organisations.  Whistle-Bl;owing is not necessarily about dropping someone in the mire, it is about identifying something that is going wrong and getting it put right.  That does not necessitate any kind of witch-hunt either against the whistle-blower or the individual(s) identified in the Disclosure (if appropriate), it just involves Getting It Right, and Doing It Right.

Is that so very difficult to comprehend Mr Mackey?

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15 Replies to “RetiredAndAngry’s Whistle-Blowing Policy”

  1. Moonraker

    I worked with Craig when he was a PC something appears to have happened to him since then I can only think that he has a double or has gone through some strange transformation due to the rarified atmosphere at the top of the ladder he has climbed to. Great shame.

  2. Moonraker

    I worked with Craig when he was a PC something appears to have happened to him since then I can only think that he has a double or has gone through some strange transformation due to the rarified atmosphere at the top of the ladder he has climbed to. Great shame.

  3. jamesp79

    Dear Angry Man,

    Thanks for your comment on my piece on the very same meeting.

    I’d like to reward and commend you for your whistleblowing policy, and for not speaking in a language that I only barely recognise as the Queen’s.


    Happily Free, Essex.

  4. jamesp79

    Dear Angry Man,

    Thanks for your comment on my piece on the very same meeting.

    I’d like to reward and commend you for your whistleblowing policy, and for not speaking in a language that I only barely recognise as the Queen’s.


    Happily Free, Essex.

  5. ideb8

    Dear Mr RetiredAndAngry

    That’s the spirit..!

    See, with only a brief intervention by my goodself, the world is restored as the best of all possible ones.

    We in the management firmament just can’t see what all the grumbling’s about – or even why you should be so permanently angry and seemingly determined to undermine the high morale of all currently in our marvellous service – sorry, force.

    Yours condescendingly
    Mr Mackey
    – on lease from Porridge

  6. ideb8

    Dear Mr RetiredAndAngry

    That’s the spirit..!

    See, with only a brief intervention by my goodself, the world is restored as the best of all possible ones.

    We in the management firmament just can’t see what all the grumbling’s about – or even why you should be so permanently angry and seemingly determined to undermine the high morale of all currently in our marvellous service – sorry, force.

    Yours condescendingly
    Mr Mackey
    – on lease from Porridge

  7. ideb8

    Dear Mr RetiredAndAngry

    Thank you extremely muchly for your efforts but I’m afraid your whistleblowing policy consists of only one clear paragraph in plain English so it’s very difficult to comprehend for those of us only used to management-speak.

    I’d therefore find it extremely impractical to implement and to ‘inculcate’ across all pay grade levels, amongst those proud to serve under me and others in my ever-growing sphere of influence.

    Yours endearingly
    Mr Mackey

  8. ideb8

    Dear Mr RetiredAndAngry

    Thank you extremely muchly for your efforts but I’m afraid your whistleblowing policy consists of only one clear paragraph in plain English so it’s very difficult to comprehend for those of us only used to management-speak.

    I’d therefore find it extremely impractical to implement and to ‘inculcate’ across all pay grade levels, amongst those proud to serve under me and others in my ever-growing sphere of influence.

    Yours endearingly
    Mr Mackey

  9. Dorothy Williamson

    The deputy commissioner of the Metropolis appears to have a degree in gobbledygook. English Language is something I have studied in detail. Wot ‘e sed was not English. What a load of old tosh. Does he really think that his sort of comments is the right way to address the issue. Now lets move on to ‘moving’ troublesome governors he obviously meant moving upwards and he is at the top of that tree.

    • retiredandangry

      Good morning Dot. Thank you for your contribution. As you’ve obviously gathered I’m not a fan of Mr Mackey or his approach to Whistelblowing. Some of the Committee seem to have quietly caught him out and challenged him and he came up short in my opinion. ‘Must try harder’

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