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Reasons Not To Knock The Met

Reading Time: 3 minutes


Tell Us The Truth Please Boris/Bernie

I now have a new hobby – Data Miner, and sometimes you unearth real gold.

I have ‘stolen’ a dataset from Boris’s Vaults in Bojo Towers, and what it reveals is something you really ought to know.

I have been, and remain, a vocal critic of some facets of the Metropolitan Police Farce, mainly its SMT and Professional(?) Standards, the boys and girls on the front line do an excellent job under almost impossible conditions and restrictions, and nobody ever seems to go into bat for them.

So I will.

Reproduced below are some TRUTHS, No Spin, No Manipulations, No Falsehoods (at least not by me).  They represent the statistics that Mayor Boris is sitting on, doesn’t seem to want us to know.

For ease of reference I will not go back beyond June 2012 but comparable figures exist for most categories back as far as 2008 if you really want to check.

So, here goes, buckle yourself in, the Stats, the Whole Stats and nothing but the Stats

ASB (Anti Social Behaviour calls received by CCC (Central Command Complex

June 2012 – 35,676             May 2014 – 24,468

Total Notifiable Offences

June 2012 – 66,647             May 2014 – 57,562

Violent Crime

June 2012 – 5,311                May 2014 – 5,776


June 2012 – 3,087                 May 2014 – 1,836

Theft from Person

June 2012 – 4,129                 May 2014 – 2,496


June 2012 – 7,532                  May 2014 – 5,837

Theft of Motor Vehicle

June 2012 – 1,980                   May 2014 – 1,811

Theft From Motor Vehicle

June 2012 – 5,865                    May 2014 – 4,521

Criminal Damage

June 2012 – 5,519                     May 2014 – 4,972


June 2012 – 247                         May 2014 – 380

Sexual Offences

June 2012 – 840                         May 2014 = 1,081


June 2012 – 8                              May 2014 – 10

Gun Crime

June 2012 – 182                         May 2014 – 133

Homophobic Hate Victims

June 2012 – 109                          May 2014 – 116

Racist & Religious Hate Victims

June 2012 – 826                          May 2014 – 943 

Stop and Searches Conducted

June 2012 – 28,851                      May 2014 – 16,581

Stop and Search Arrest Rate

June 2012 – 11.56%                    May 2014 – 19.23%

Total Number of Regular Police Officers

June 2012 – 31,798                     May 2014 – 30,945

% Total victims ease of contacting police

June 2012 – 91%                          May 2014 – 94%

% Total victims satisfied with action taken

June 2012 – 69%                           May 2014 – 76%

% Total victims feel well informed

June 2012 – 65%                            May 2014 – 72%

% Total victims feel treated fairly by police

June 2012 – 86%                            May 2014 – 91%

% Total victim satisfaction

June 2012 – 74%                            May 2014 – 80%

Confidence in the Police

June 2012 – 65%                            May 2014 – 68%

So, there you have it.  Not all GREEN, but not many REDs.

The boys and girls on the Front Line are clearly doing an admirable job.  Why aren’t we told that Public Confidence in the Metropolitan Police is steadily INCREASING in all areas of their business?

Why aren’t we told that Stop and Search has actually DECREASED drastically since 2012 but the Arrest Rate has INCREASED?

Why are the Met (and they are not alone in this) being constantly pilloried by our politicians when Boris is sitting on Stats that seem to show them off in a very good light?

Boys and Girls, Ladies and Gents, Hold The Line.  You are doing a fantastic job in very difficult times and it will only get worse.  But when you go home to your loved ones tonight, do so with your heads held high.  We are constantly told that the figures do not lie (unless the SMT have fudged them), and they tell me what a wonderful job you are doing at the grass roots.

Please keep it up.

All this from a Workforce that mainly don’t live in London.  For the benefit of any of you who think that this is proof that ‘more can be done with less’ I would invite you to consider the consequences.  The stats above are, in my opinion, mighty impressive in most areas. The flip side of that coin is that too many officers are either ‘cracking up’ or leaving, because More isn’t being done ‘with less’ it is being done by ‘stopping the less from taking their Annual Leave and other rostered rest Days

Please feel free to share this blogpost with as many journos as you think fit, and let’s see how many will refer to it over the next few days.  I have no fear of the figures I have quoted, they are Boris’s figures, it’s up to him to justify them. I have neither changed nor spun them.

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2 Replies to “Reasons Not To Knock The Met”

  1. ideb8

    Hip hip for data miners!
    If Braeburns are red & Grandma Smiths are green,
    More hops need a’brewing
    So’s we keep apple Bobbing
    to root out all bad ‘uns
    who’ve sunk in so deep
    our flesh they make creep
    like Savile rows with minors..

  2. Grandma B

    Well, anyone silly enough to believe police or government figures….

    Interesting to note for instance that there is no mention of crimes like fraud, which you would expect in a business centre like London.

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