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Our Revered Home Secretary…………

Reading Time: 3 minutes

and why we should all be happy that she will be at the helm next week while the rest of the government swan off on a well-deserved vacation.

Born in 1956, she is nearly as old as me.  She is the daughter of a Church of England clergyman.  She was educated at a variety of establishments which included St. Juliana’s Convent School for Girls, a Roman Catholic independent school in Begbroke, Oxfordshire, which closed in 1984.  In 1977 she graduated from St Hugh’s College, Oxford with a BA (Hons) in Geography.

She then had a succession of jobs, from 1977 to 1983  at the Bank of England, and from 1985 to 1997 as a financial advisor and then  as a financial consultant and senior advisor in International Affairs at the Association for Payment Clearing Services.  All excellent foundations for someone about to run the country.  A BA (Hons)  in Geography, it just doesn’t get any better than that.

Between 1986 and 1994 she was a councillor in the London Borough of Merton, where, between 1988 and 1990, she became Chairman of Education, and Deputy Group Leader and Housing Spokesman (1992–94).  In the General Election of 1992 Theresa May stood for election (and lost) in the safe Labour seat of North West Durham.  By 1994 Mrs May had become the Conservative Candidate in the by-election at Barking, but, unfortunately she lost that one too, coming 3rd to Margaret Hodge with just under 2,000 votes.

Already we are beginning to see the signs of future greatness and readiness to lead our country, a degree in Geography, various roles in the financial sector and a councillor for Merton Council .  A future Prime Minister in the making maybe.  I am getting the message clearly, worry not, your Country will be in safe hands.

In the 1997 General Election she finally succeeded and became the Conservative MP for Maidenhead.

A ‘potted history’ of her time in Parliament is as follows;

June 1999 – September 2001 – Shadow Secretary of State for Education and Employment

September 2001 – July 2002 – Shadow Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions

July 2002 – November 2003 – Chairman of the Conservative Party

November 2003 – June 2004 – Shadow Secretary of State for Transport and the Environment

June 2004 – December 2005 – Shadow Secretary of State for the Family

May 2005 – December 2005 – Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport

December 2005 – January 2009 – Shadow Leader of the House of Commons

January 2009 – May 2010 – Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

May 2010 – current date – Minister for Women and Equalities

May 2010- current date – Home Secretary

She currently also holds the quite unofficial position of Government Minister most Telegraph readers would like to see sacked.

So you see, Mrs May has had a lot of Parliamentary experience, in a wide variety of roles, often multi-tasking with 2 or more jobs at the same time, for example she is currently Home Secretary AND Minister for Women and Equality so there is absolutely no way she will allow women to be disadvantaged under the Independent Review undertaken and published by Mr Tom Winsor.  I am quite certain that this great country of ours will be absolutely safe in the hands of someone so versatile as Mrs May.

Thank you for bearing with me on this journey, it is now time to remove my tongue from my cheek and make room for some coffee.

I am indebted to @Beazer916 for the photo
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