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London – Murder Capital

img 1993

Last updated on September 19th, 2023 at 04:32 pm

Last updated on September 19th, 2023 at 04:32 pm

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Over time we get drip fed stories and so-called facts to such an extent that you miss the point entirely over time or you become immune and apathetic to what is happening around you. I am aware that Murder in the capital seems to going stratospheric so I thought I’d take a simple look back and try to establish the true situation.

The overall picture looks like this

London - Murder Capital

It seems blatantly obvious to me that the Met had a handle on the problem and the numbers were steadily reducing year on year until 2014, after that they were, and seemingly still are, increasing year on year, back up again.  Not quite as bad as they were in 2006, but we must not be complacent.

By Borough, the problem looks like this;

London - Murder Capital

Seems like the best place to live is Heathrow, but I’d give Lambeth, Newham and Southwark a swerve definitely.

Whatever could have happened in 2014 to make the number of Murders go back up again, and reverse a successful trend? This happened.

And I am determined that the use of stop and search must come down, become more targeted and lead to more arrests.

Theresa May’s speech to the Police Federation in 2014 is what happened. I accept that numbers were already reducing due to pressure from Police Management mainly, but it certainly went down after her speech, at a time when Murders and Stabbings were on the ascendent again.

London - Murder Capital

No wonder really that Murders and Knife Crime are going through the roof. Personally (and you don’t have to agree) I hold Mrs May personally responsible for young kids, black and white, but mainly black, being slaughtered on our streets over the past few years. I am NOT an Academic but Stop/Search comes down and Murder and Crime in General go up. If there is not a direct correlation please explain it to me.

One last thought for the day, what else has happened since Theresa May’s speech in 2014? This has happened

London - Murder Capital

The picture is no different outside London either

London - Murder Capital
London - Murder Capital

2014 was a year to remember inside and outside of London.

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