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In Celebration Of Police Dogs

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Last updated on August 22nd, 2023 at 12:47 pm

Last updated on August 22nd, 2023 at 12:47 pm

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Not new news, but something you may not be aware of. I live nearby and was aware of it, but still think it deserves a higher profile in celebration of Police Dogs

My friends at British Ironworks in Oswestry, who gave us Knife Angel, have done it again. One of their highly skilled sculptors has created a monument to Police Dogs. Once again it was funded by British Ironworks, and once again it was created from seized/surrendered knives, this time including firearms as well, and the odd leads, whistles and dog bowls.

The whole project was born after one of West Mercia Police’s Police Dogs, PD Bacca, was stabbed protecting his handler.

In Celebration Of Police Dogs

Police & Crime Commissioner, John Campion, said: “Police dogs are a vital part of policing in West Mercia. It is only right that they are honoured in such a way. The sculpture will act as a lasting reminder of what a great job police dogs do for our community.”

Clive Knowles, chairman at the BIC, said it’s purpose is to remember and raise awareness of the work and sacrifices made by police dogs.


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