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The Knife Angel

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Last updated on September 22nd, 2023 at 12:40 pm

Last updated on September 22nd, 2023 at 12:40 pm

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Is it just me, or has there been an absolute explosion of knife crime, particularly in London, over the past 18 months?

Our best response to the problem?  Cut back on Stop and Search.  Theresa May started it, Amber Rudd has dutifully continued it.  Apparently we should not be doing so much Stop and Search.  I really don’t get that, as EVERY SINGLE KNIFE used to stab, slash, kill or injure somebody else has almost invariably been carried through the streets by somebody, somewhere at some time.

Am I alone in thinking that we should make the streets too hot to carry knives? Better detection, more prosecutions, fewer Cautions and better sentencing.

The Police can, and hopefully will, do their bit, but how can we highlight the problem? How do we get the message across to the public that knife crime is at an unacceptable and unsustainable level?

Enter Alfie.  “Who the devil is Alfie?” I hear you ask.

Alfie is Alfie Bradley, an innovative sculptor from Shropshire, possibly better known for making a gorilla out of spoons.  He is currently making an Angel out of knives.  Where does he get all the knives from?  From Police Amnesty Boxes mainly plus donations of ‘family cutlery’ from the Public.

What is the purpose of the Knife Angel? It is a National Monument Against Violence And Aggression.

How can we find out more about the Knife Angel?  Several ways really, you can read about it at it’s Facebook Page here;

You can simply Google “Knife Angel” and see pictures of it and read any one of the many news items concerning it.  You can even read more about Alfie.

How can you help raise the profile of the Knife Angel?  There is a campaign to get the Knife Angel displayed on the 4th plinth in Trafalgar Square. You can sign a petition for this purpose here.

You can write to the Mayor of London and/or your local MP explaining why you think this is such an important project.

If you have had your life blighted by Knife Crime Alfie has told me that you can leave a message on the Facebook page (as above) and your message can be engraved onto the Angel.   Ot only does this send a powerful message it can go a huge way to help the families of Knife Crime victims come to terms with their loss and feel that they are contributing to something useful to turn back the tide of Knife Crime.

I am hoping to have a chat with Alfie over a cup of coffee in the next couple of weeks to see what we, the Twitterati, can do to raise the Angel’s profile and help lift it onto the 4th plinth. There is no doubt in my mind that pride of place in Trafalgar Square for a few weeks will aid the Save A Life, Surrender Your Knife campaign.

If you have any other suggestions how this can be helped by all means leave them for me in the comments below and I will discuss them with Alfie when I see him.

Please, this explosion of Knife Crime just has to STOP and anything we can do can only hasten that process and help safeguard our youth.

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3 Replies to “The Knife Angel”

  1. Rufus

    In my experience, no one dare stop and search anyone anymore. Every one is scrutinised and if its felt it wasn’t justified they will go after you and do your legs and the person searched -invariably a known criminal – will get compo innit. So it doesn’t get done. Simple. I think most cops these days are so fed up of being blamed and heavily scrutinised for just wanting to keep the good people safe from the wolves that as long as they can come home having done the basics and not having being seriously hurt or worse then that’s all they do. If its not their own forces, its the IPCC or the blasted government making everyday policing more and more impossible and putting the public at risk.

    • retiredandangry

      That’s just appalling. I’m not suggesting that Stop/Searches are conducted without grounds, I never have. However, if the grounds exist then the officer should do his/her duty without fear or favour. I’m not convinced that it’s a lawful order to instruct officers to desist from S&S if the grounds exist, or that they should be subjected to the threat of discipline if they comply with the requirements of s1 of PACE

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