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I’m Sorry, I Didn’t Mean To Do This

Last updated on May 8th, 2023 at 11:42 am

Last updated on May 8th, 2023 at 11:42 am

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Good morning, I was going to leave you all alone this morning, but when I went to bed last night there the first few tweets surfacing about a Public Order situation in Lambeth, South London.

When I woke up this morning and was getting ready to go to Church (well, it might happen) it had only just finished, and video footage was beginning to circulate too.


In general support from the public this morning has been fantastic, and I thank you all on behalf of my former colleagues. A particular tweet that caught my eye was this one  

A senior officer from another Force, who I happen to know from his time in the Met, pointed out that the Salvation Army do a good job of providing tea and succour to Firefighters, Police etc in times of disorder etc etc.  I do not, for one moment, want to criticise anything the Salvation Army do in times such as these, but for God’s sake. the once finest Police Service in the world relying on charity to give the trops tea/  Is this what you have reduced us to Home Secretary.  Go home and hang your head in shame. Speaking of the Home Secretary.  If you have viewed the video above, you will be impressed by the Home Secretary’s comments on the subject on this morning’s Andrew Marr show.  Oh, hang on a moment, wrong, she was too busy telling us what a wonderful Home Secretary she is, she obviously forgot to mention the problems overnight. Why should we expect our Police to face the challenges they do, just to be ignored by the government? I don’t know who you are trying to imitate Mrs May, but we’re not buying it. Very well done to everybody involved last night, you deserve our gratitude and appreciation.

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3 Replies to “I’m Sorry, I Didn’t Mean To Do This”

  1. Rufus

    I am surprised Theresa May didn’t blame it all on over use of stop and search and demand public floggings of officers trying to fight for their lives.

  2. Jeff Piper

    One comment on You Tube suggested putting a couple of cars outside and let it go ahead. Where on earth they think they will get these 2 spare cars from I do not know.

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