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Corruption In The Met

Last updated on May 8th, 2023 at 11:35 am

Last updated on May 8th, 2023 at 11:35 am

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Now, there’s a headline to grab your attention.

I have never denied that there is corruption present within the Met, I know there is. I have, however, frequently disputed the scale of that corruption.  Personally I do not think it’s as endemic as the Media would have you believe.

So, here’s a suggestion for you Sir Bernie and your Directorate of Professional Standards.

Corporately, you have repeatedly refused to tell me how much the disciplinary enquiry into James Patrick has cost the Met.

There has been another, becoming, high profile investigation into the TSG6.

I am willing to bet that both investigations cost many thousands of pounds.  The enquiry into, the then, PC Patrick lasted approximately 18 months, and involved a Review of the evidence by an outside Force (although I accept they did not charge the Met for this Review).  That HAS to have totalled some serious money.

Then, whilst PC Patrick was serving his period of notice, having had enough of your oppressive regime and resigned, your Directorate of Professional Standards served papers on him once more informing him that he was to be investigated for Gross Misconduct. This was despite the fact that he was within a few weeks of leaving your employ, and the Gross Misconduct allegations rely on the same Met Policies that were deficient in the original case.

The TSG6 involved (obviously) multiple officers, a Crown Court Case, a Civil Action, resultant disciplinary proceedings against DPS staff, the alleged tampering with personnel records and an Employment Tribunal.  I doubt that little saga was cheap either.

I am sick and tired of reading in the press every week (or seemingly so) about this trial or that trial that has failed to allegations of MPS corruption.  Investigations stalling because of alleged or perceived corruption. The public deserve so much better than that.  PC Patrick was responsible for a decline in Public Confidence in the MPS? I don’t think so.

I have encountered this interference personally when a murder enquiry I was involved in was actually visited by an officer allegedly in the pay of a North London gang.  On this occasion the SIO was wise to it and sent him away with a flea in his ear (and reported him).  Various, subsequent, computer checks that we carried out did, unfortunately, have the effect of tipping off said detective as to who we might be interested in though, so I am no fan of corruption, definitely not.

So, Sir Bernard, Boris, Blair, whoever, here’s a radical idea for you.

However much money you are currently spending on investigating James Patrick, and others like him, for doing what they believe to be morally and ethically correct, please remember that this is PUBLIC MONEY that you are spending.

I am now a member of that public, and so are many like me. I truly believe that I speak for many when I say that that money can, and would, be better spent fighting the rotten core of corruption than victimising the few with the balls and integrity to stand up and be counted, and challenge wrongdoing and malpractice.

It may not be enough to fund the fight totally, but it would swell your anti-corruption budget enough to make a difference.

Even if it was only enough to fund the investigation and prosecution of one corrupt officer, isn’t that better than spending it victimising  James Patrick and others like him?

You, the public, read these blogs and rants of mine. What do you think?

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5 Replies to “Corruption In The Met”

  1. ideb8

    If only, if only.

    Come on Bernie-Hogwash, give up the pretence of fairness & broad-mindedness in how you oversee Met operations.

    Just admit you’re grossly vindictive & won’t tolerate anything resembling insubordination, that your continued persecution of honest officers proves your priorities now undermine evidence-based policing, depending as it must on the truth, another victim – like justice – resulting from your condoning, if not encouragement, of puerile macho bullying.

    If most ACPO members aren’t forthright or brave enough to confront your suppression of honest employees, employees whose only crime is the refusal to lie, the resulting unchallenged vicious circle of fear and loathing must inevitably destroy morale. Leave that to May.

    Are Londoners happy for their police to be so ground down that, like the Iraqi forces hiding their uniforms as Isis approaches, any future riots will only be met by Boris, Cruella & Bernie manning 3 stationary water cannon on Parliament Square?

    Listen to the Retired and Angry one before you’re too late. If only.

  2. ideb8

    If only, if only.

    Come on Bernie-Hogwash, give up the pretence of fairness & broad-mindedness in how you oversee Met operations.

    Just admit you’re grossly vindictive & won’t tolerate anything resembling insubordination, that your continued persecution of honest officers proves your priorities now undermine evidence-based policing, depending as it must on the truth, another victim – like justice – resulting from your condoning, if not encouragement, of puerile macho bullying.

    If most ACPO members aren’t forthright or brave enough to confront your suppression of honest employees, employees whose only crime is the refusal to lie, the resulting unchallenged vicious circle of fear and loathing must inevitably destroy morale. Leave that to May.

    Are Londoners happy for their police to be so ground down that, like the Iraqi forces hiding their uniforms as Isis approaches, any future riots will only be met by Boris, Cruella & Bernie manning 3 stationary water cannon on Parliament Square?

    Listen to the Retired and Angry one before you’re too late. If only.

  3. Susie Russell

    There are very many police whistleblowers who have been targeted in this way which appears to be a standard response by many forces.
    There is a case which is likely to be publicised in the very near future where a CID whistleblower was victimised for over 10 years, subjected to 2 police operations, forced out of 2 homes in 2 counties, he and his wife were bankrupted as a result of the actions of the police force and he is the only officer ever to have been dismissed without a disciplinary hearing sanctioned by the police authority. We will keep you posted on this. The case will also highlight the failures by the IPCC and others which allowed the victimisation to continue. As the case involved high profile senior officers the local police federation ran for the hills. Two fed reps who volunteered from other forces were also victimised.
    It is estimated the cost of the actions against the officer and defending claims is in seven figures.
    I hope others may also come forward as a result if your blog with similar examples.

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