
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.


  • Thumbnail for Stating The Bleedin Obvious

    Stating The Bleedin Obvious

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Those of you who follow this blog regularly will no doubt have noticed something a little unexpected about it. The College of Policing are pushing…

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  • Thumbnail for #Specialgate


    Reading Time: 2 minutes Before I go any further this is NOT a post rubbishing Specials. If you search through my posts I don’t think I have ever done…

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  • Thumbnail for #Degreegate 2.0

    #Degreegate 2.0

    Reading Time: 2 minutes I find myself totally gobsmacked.  I thought that Degreegate had become just about as ludicrous and pointles as it could get, but I should have…

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  • Thumbnail for #Degreegate – The Votes Are In

    #Degreegate – The Votes Are In

    Reading Time: 6 minutes It cannot have escaped your attention that there has been a lot a discussion on Social Media about the forthcoming Graduate Entry Scheme into the…

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  • Thumbnail for Degree Level Recruiting

    Degree Level Recruiting

    Reading Time: 2 minutes I’m sorry, I’m off again, but in my own defence it is a topic I feel very strongly about. Today I was sparked off by…

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  • Thumbnail for Is The College Naive Or Am I Just Double Crusty?

    Is The College Naive Or Am I Just Double Crusty?

    Reading Time: 3 minutes All this talking about #DegreeGate got me thinking, took me off at a completely different tangent. IF all new recruits (and I accept that is…

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  • Thumbnail for #DegreeGate – Genuine Need Or Cynical Ploy?

    #DegreeGate – Genuine Need Or Cynical Ploy?

    Reading Time: 3 minutes And so #DegreeGate rumbles on and still nobody is much clearer, with many simply remaining to be convinced.  Many, like me I suspect, are waiting…

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  • Thumbnail for Some Thoughts On Some Thoughts

    Some Thoughts On Some Thoughts

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Some things just don’t go away, they hang around like an unwelcome guest, or the after effects of Brussel Sprout Soup. This last week or…

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