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#Degreegate 2.0

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Last updated on September 19th, 2023 at 04:28 pm

Last updated on September 19th, 2023 at 04:28 pm

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I find myself totally gobsmacked.  I thought that Degreegate had become just about as ludicrous and pointles as it could get, but I should have known better.

As we know, progressively, there will soon be ONLY 3 routes into the Police Service;

  • Apprenticeship. Join as a constable, and follow an apprenticeship in professional policing practice – you earn while you learn. This route normally takes three years with both on and off-the-job learning. On successfully finishing the programme, you complete your probation and achieve a degree.
  • Degree-holder entry. If you have a degree in any subject, you can join and follow a work-based programme, supported by off-the-job learning.  This route normally takes two years, and the learning you have undergone is recognised in a graduate diploma in professional policing practice when you complete your probation.
  • Pre-join degree. If you want to study first, you can do a three year degree in professional policing at your own expense, and then apply to a force and follow a shorter on-the-job training programme. Being a special constable can be included in this route.

Routes 2 and 3 require applicants to already hold a Degree of some kind and the Apprenticeship route requires applicants to obtain a degree at the conclusion of their Probationary period.


My ancient O Level in English Language leads me to believe that ultimately, one way or the other a Degree will be mandatory to join any of the Police Forces that adopt the College’s Policy of Graduate Entry.


That’s what I think anyway.


Yesterday the College published a lengthy thread on the subject on Twatter.

I’m sorry, it is long, but somewhere towards the end of it is this pearl of wisdom

So, there are no proposals to make a Degree mandatory for promotion up to and including, Chief Officer rank.  Well I’m sure that the Direct Entry Superintedents will be absolutely ecstatic with that news.

Firstly, how many Senior Officers above the rank of Inspector probably haven’t already got  degree?  Secondly, if it is becoming mandatory to either have or obtain a Degree at Constable level, over a period of time the Service will become 100% Graduate by default, natural wastage seeing thick old plebs gradually replaced by the College’s favourite Graduates.  The General Public is not 100% Graduate why should the Police Service be?  Why does it NEED to be?  Oh yes, Winsor, that was it.

I am fully aware that this is just my ‘unique’ slant on it, but all I can say is that I’m glad I’m not still serving and don’t have to put up with this bollocks (apologies folks).  If that make you happy College then I’m happy for you.

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