
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

What’s Your Favourite Tipple?

Reading Time: 2 minutes



Cafe Nero?

White Wine Spritzer?

Gin and Tonic?

A Pint of Foaming Ale?

How about donating the cost of just ONE drink to the James Patrick Fighting Fund?

Since I started these blogs for fundraising they have been read by over 3,000 people from a couple of dozen countries around the world.  Donations have been received from USA, Canada, Switzerland and Africa as well as the UK, but the total number of individual donations is only just over 130.  That’s not many out of 3,000 potential donors, plus the total number of serving and former Police Officers.

Not everybody CAN give, I get that.  Not everybody still serving feels comfortable, I get that too.  But if you CAN give and you haven’t already, please think about giving the cost of your favourite tipple, just once even.

Certain sections of the Press that ran James’s story to sell some papers now look as they may have given up on the story, or maybe there’s just more important news to fill their papers, who knows.  The bottom line is that James could do with a barrister in September(ish) to help him slay the dragon Met.  Your cup of coffee will definitely help James in his quest, and we know his fight is honourable. Are the Met’s intentions honourable?  Are we going to leave him to fall to the flames of the Met’s dragon?


Sir Bernard Hogan-Who hasn’t donated yet, but you can, here.
If you have a Paypal Account it’s easy;

From within your opening screen (after logging in to your account) choose Send Money

Send it to the following email address

justice4pcpatrickAToutlookDOTcom (see what I did there?) (substitute an “@” and a “.” as appropriate)

Enter the amount in GBP you wish to send

Click on “I’m sending money to family or friends” This option should be free of charges unless you pay by Credit Card and the money ends up in exactly the same account as if you had pressed the Donate Button.

A little more complicated and it only works for Paypal account holders but every fee that we can reduce is more for the Fighting Fund

For more info please see

I thank you

Please do it for James. #Justice4PCPatrick


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6 Replies to “What’s Your Favourite Tipple?”

  1. Curious

    I’m curious – what happened to the fund money? James Patrick publicly stated he didn’t want to accept the money.

  2. Curious

    I’m curious – what happened to the fund money? James Patrick publicly stated he didn’t want to accept the money.

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