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The Truth, The Whole Truth And Nothing Like The Truth

Last updated on March 14th, 2019 at 02:26 pm

Last updated on March 14th, 2019 at 02:26 pm

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Last month I wrote a blog about the cost to the public purse of the disciplinary investigation into PC James Patrick.

If you haven’t already read it, you can read it here.

The result of that FOI request was that the Met could not tell me how much that enquiry had cost because that information was not recorded anywhere and for them to calculate it would push my request over the cost limit (£450).

I didn’t really believe that because in the latter days of my time in the Met every enquiry was costed, partly to monitor overtime and predominantly for Management Information (very important).

How on earth can Management make decisions about whether any enquiry is proportionate and Value For Money if they don’t monitor costs. Surely they still do that don’t they?

So I requested that they conducted an Internal Review of the original request and review based on that principle.

Today I got my response.

They have carried out a Review and upheld the original findings, the information is not recorded anywhere and would not be economically viable to calculate it.

I have two big problems with that;

a) Madeleine McCann. The Met can not only state how much that enquiry has cost them, (£4.7 million as at August 2013), but they can also estimate how much it will cost into the future. They estimate that Operation Grange costs in excess of £6,300 per day. Someone has provided these figures (and more) from somewhere so I don’t believe they’re not being recorded.

b) Plebgate. The Met have provided regular updates on the cost of this enquiry. In October 2013 DAC Pat Gallan revealed that the enquiry had cost £237,000 at that time, and it’s still going. Somebody has to have told her that figure. It has to be recorded somewhere.

So why isn’t the cost of the James Patrick investigation recorded?

I for one don’t believe it. Next stop Information Commissioner.

Maybe in the light of recent adverse press publicity the Met, amongst others, would like to grasp the nettle, deal with the issues identified properly once and for all, and embrace the TRUTH, and TRANSPARENCY.  Is that really asking too much.  Met Senior Management has suffered from Institutional Paranoia for far too long.

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6 Replies to “The Truth, The Whole Truth And Nothing Like The Truth”

  1. ideb8

    What hope is there in the 21st century if neither Keith Vaz MP, Chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee, nor Bernard Jenkin MP, Chair of the Public Administration Select Committee – if even neither of these influential politicians can ensure that an honest PC isn’t badly treated by his police service employer?

    How can the Met get away with so shabbily treating an honest employee that its management is clearly seen to be free to show up two such powerful committees, their members and their Chairs as wholly ineffective?

    And who from the Met, the HMIC, the IPCC or especially ACPO can now look the British public in the eye and say our country has a police force which values and encourages honest officers enough to guarantee their employees a trusted independent whistleblowing outlet for urgent or important concerns relating to safety, security or corruption and for them to be raised and taken seriously without such officers being smeared, suppressed, silenced, bullied and, as a result, then losing all faith in the hollow words of “concern for welfare” of their own management?

    Who supervises the supervisors in the Met? Obviously no-one.

  2. ideb8

    What hope is there in the 21st century if neither Keith Vaz MP, Chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee, nor Bernard Jenkin MP, Chair of the Public Administration Select Committee – if even neither of these influential politicians can ensure that an honest PC isn’t badly treated by his police service employer?

    How can the Met get away with so shabbily treating an honest employee that its management is clearly seen to be free to show up two such powerful committees, their members and their Chairs as wholly ineffective?

    And who from the Met, the HMIC, the IPCC or especially ACPO can now look the British public in the eye and say our country has a police force which values and encourages honest officers enough to guarantee their employees a trusted independent whistleblowing outlet for urgent or important concerns relating to safety, security or corruption and for them to be raised and taken seriously without such officers being smeared, suppressed, silenced, bullied and, as a result, then losing all faith in the hollow words of “concern for welfare” of their own management?

    Who supervises the supervisors in the Met? Obviously no-one.

  3. ideb8

    Yes, the saga of the many attempts to extract the true costs of shameful sagas by the MPS top echelons, who avoid admitting that they’ve clearly condoned bullying
    (even Bernard Hyphen-Why acknowledged that PASC was effectively accusing him of acquiescing to the interference of testimony given by PC Patrick under Parliamentary privilege)
    and, in doing so, have helped give the service a bad name and therefore have brought it into disrepute, to the detriment of every single officer..

    A supportive compare and contrast approach

    Andrew Mitchell has a history of aggression against police(wo)men who were merely trying to protect him while enforcing security rules they’d been told to observe

    PC James Patrick has a history of honesty, intelligence, bravery & loyalty towards the (now) potentially honourable profession of public service policing and was merely trying to protect the public and point out political corruption for all to observe

    Andrew Mitchell has a history of arrogance and bullying and persuaded C4 to transmit a distorted view of the incident which forced his resignation

    PC Patrick has a history of 4 commendations for bravery from the police, is credited with persuading the PASC Chair to convene a special session for his evidence, UKSA to downgrade police crime figures, was described in a leader article in The Times as having “performed an important service”, experienced bully-boy tactics by his employer which affected his wife and two young children – and has just resigned

    One of the main recommendations from the Francis enquiry into Mid Staffs was to enshrine the primacy of patient sovereignty. Despite lip service, Jeremy Hunt baulked at the effect this would have on the large U.S. conglomerates he has lined up to cream NHS profits once the new EU-US trade pact beds in, so has unilaterally dropped it

    One of the main recommendations from the PASC session at which PC Patrick gave evidence was to enshrine the primacy of victim sovereignty so that, for example, rape victims with vulnerable characteristics would have their allegations recorded immediately as crimes rather than allowing investigating officers to persuade already traumatised victims to withdraw the allegations, merely in order to improve crime figures.

    Having now lost PC Patrick, who can ensure the Met is forced to put the welfare of victims in its care above the bonuses of its management?

    Welcome to the UK. You’re welcome to it..

  4. ideb8

    Yes, the saga of the many attempts to extract the true costs of shameful sagas by the MPS top echelons, who avoid admitting that they’ve clearly condoned bullying
    (even Bernard Hyphen-Why acknowledged that PASC was effectively accusing him of acquiescing to the interference of testimony given by PC Patrick under Parliamentary privilege)
    and, in doing so, have helped give the service a bad name and therefore have brought it into disrepute, to the detriment of every single officer..

    A supportive compare and contrast approach

    Andrew Mitchell has a history of aggression against police(wo)men who were merely trying to protect him while enforcing security rules they’d been told to observe

    PC James Patrick has a history of honesty, intelligence, bravery & loyalty towards the (now) potentially honourable profession of public service policing and was merely trying to protect the public and point out political corruption for all to observe

    Andrew Mitchell has a history of arrogance and bullying and persuaded C4 to transmit a distorted view of the incident which forced his resignation

    PC Patrick has a history of 4 commendations for bravery from the police, is credited with persuading the PASC Chair to convene a special session for his evidence, UKSA to downgrade police crime figures, was described in a leader article in The Times as having “performed an important service”, experienced bully-boy tactics by his employer which affected his wife and two young children – and has just resigned

    One of the main recommendations from the Francis enquiry into Mid Staffs was to enshrine the primacy of patient sovereignty. Despite lip service, Jeremy Hunt baulked at the effect this would have on the large U.S. conglomerates he has lined up to cream NHS profits once the new EU-US trade pact beds in, so has unilaterally dropped it

    One of the main recommendations from the PASC session at which PC Patrick gave evidence was to enshrine the primacy of victim sovereignty so that, for example, rape victims with vulnerable characteristics would have their allegations recorded immediately as crimes rather than allowing investigating officers to persuade already traumatised victims to withdraw the allegations, merely in order to improve crime figures.

    Having now lost PC Patrick, who can ensure the Met is forced to put the welfare of victims in its care above the bonuses of its management?

    Welcome to the UK. You’re welcome to it..

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