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The Sound Of Silence or Where Are You Mrs May?

Reading Time: < 1 minute

I shall keep it short, you don’t want we twittering on, especially not on Christmas Eve.

It is now 24th December, a full 6 days since Constable Neil Doyle of the Merseyside Constabulary was tragically killed in Liverpool. I don’t wish to comment about the circumstances of his death but would rather let Justice run its natural course.

However, following on from Chris Hobbs’ rather excellent post on Monday I would just like to repeat his statement that we have yet to hear a single, solitary word from our esteemed Home Secretary, Theresa May, on the subject.

On the same subject, I can’t actually find any comment from David Cameron either.

I find this most unusual as they normally have such a lot to say about the Police. It must surely be an oversight. I can’t believe that they think so little of the British Police that they wouldn’t pay tribute to a fallen officer.

I can’t remember the last time a serving Home Secretary failed to acknowledge an officer tragically losing his/her life in similar circumstances. If anyone can provide me with a link to a relevant statement by the Home Secretary I will happily delete this post.

My sincere condolences go to the family, friends and colleagues of PC Doyle, may you receive all the support that you will need and that you deserve.

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6 Replies to “The Sound Of Silence or Where Are You Mrs May?”

  1. jaded48

    I’ve told my wife that if I snuff it at work then under no circumstances are any politicians or senior officers to attend my funeral-on pain of me haunting her for ever!

  2. jaded48

    I’ve told my wife that if I snuff it at work then under no circumstances are any politicians or senior officers to attend my funeral-on pain of me haunting her for ever!

  3. JM

    May and Cameron are anti Police so no surprises there!! Just hope they have a happy Christmas with their loved ones! They are both a pair of Jeremy Hunt’s !!

  4. JM

    May and Cameron are anti Police so no surprises there!! Just hope they have a happy Christmas with their loved ones! They are both a pair of Jeremy Hunt’s !!

  5. Jeff Piper

    Why not put terminals in local supermarkets and then members of the public can record their own crimes so an officer needn’t attend.
    Oh hold on. That might mean more crime recorded so the stats will go up. We can’t have that can we.

  6. Jeff Piper

    Why not put terminals in local supermarkets and then members of the public can record their own crimes so an officer needn’t attend.
    Oh hold on. That might mean more crime recorded so the stats will go up. We can’t have that can we.

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