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The Police Uplift Programme Final Report Part 2

Last updated on October 11th, 2023 at 04:33 pm

Last updated on October 11th, 2023 at 04:33 pm

Reading Time: 3 minutes

More proficient and prolific writers than I have covered the Police Uplift Programme (PUP) already, but I would never forgive myself if I passed up the opportunity just because someone else has covered it.

Joiners and Leavers

The Joiners

The Joiners have already been done to death by people far more academic than me.  It’s relatively simple and exceedingly well publicised.

The Home Office choose to illustrate it like this

The Police Uplift Programme Final Report Part 2
joiners 1

For some reason that I really can’t work out, they choose their start date as 2009/10.

I can go back to 2004/5, and it looks like this

The Police Uplift Programme Final Report Part 2
Joiners 2

The Leavers

The Leavers are a bit more complex and a lot more interesting

The Home Office shows it like this, again from 2009/10

The Police Uplift Programme Final Report Part 2
Leavers 1

My version is not vastly different, it just goes back further and shows the longer-term pattern. Both versions agree that Leavers in 2022/23 are at the highest level for a long time if not ever,

The Police Uplift Programme Final Report Part 2
Leavers 2

What the Home Office seem to gloss over is that the number of Voluntary Resignations has increased alarmingly.  As can be seen in the chart below it was reasonably constant for a number of years but over the past 2 years has more or less doubled from some of the earlier years.

The Police Uplift Programme Final Report Part 2
Leavers Exits

The Home Office, quite glibly, have this to say,

Compared with the previous year there was an increase of 13.2% in the number of officers leaving the service (up 1,075 FTE officers from 8,117), and the highest number of police officer leavers in a financial year since comparable records began


The highest number of Police Officer Leavers since records began?? That just gets a couple of sentences, and hardly any concern from the Home Office at all.

I fully accept that we don’t know what percentage of these is experienced officers leaving and what percentage is Uplift recruits who change their minds, BUT, looked at in isolation, it looks to me, a far more significant increase than Home Office thinks it is. Then, maybe they don’t care.


The Police Uplift Programme Final Report Part 2
Voluntary Resignations 2010 2023
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2 Replies to “The Police Uplift Programme Final Report Part 2”

  1. Tristram Hicks

    If you want to have a police state you have to get rid of good experienced coppers, especially investigators, and replace them with poorly paid and unvetted staff with low levels of supervision. A well paid professional police force is a threat to corrupt politicians. Keep up the good work!

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