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The Police Uplift Programme Final Report Part 1

Last updated on October 11th, 2023 at 04:36 pm

Last updated on October 11th, 2023 at 04:36 pm

Reading Time: 2 minutes
The Police Uplift Programme Final Report Part 1
The Headline News.  So they made it.  However, that isn’t all of the story.

The Police Uplift Programme Final Report Part 1
Police Family March 2023

The Police Family in total has still not fully recovered to its 2010 levels.  I know that wasn’t part of any Boris Pledge, but it remains a fact that 13 years later the Police SERVICE is still smaller than it was in 2010.  Prior to 2010 the overall size of the Police Service was rising steadily, who knows where it would be if it grew at its normal rate over those 13 years.

Conservative politicians seem unable to differentiate between levels of Police Officers, experience, and the Police Service as a whole.

When we look more closely we can see that Police Staff (civvies) are slowly rising but PCSOs and Specials, the Uniformed assistance on the streets are STILL declining.

The Police Uplift Programme Final Report Part 1
Civvies 2023

I don’t hear any Conservative politicians discussing this chart, but they MUST be aware of it as it is part of a Home Office report. To sum up, the government will claim that Police Uplift Programme has been a success, but I would respectfully disagree with them.

One statistic that is in the data tables, but doesn’t make it into the report are the numbers of officers in E&W per 100,000 head of population.  I can correct that omission.


Total Police Officers per 100,000 head of population                   264

Total Police Constables per 100,000 head of population              201


Total Police Officers per 100,000 head of population                   247

Total Police Constables per 100,000 head of population              195

As we can see, Constables have still suffered a small reduction, 201 down to 195, and ALL officers down from 264 to 247.

Not really the success story that government would have us believe, possibly only a small reduction in real terms, but still a reduction.

C+ – Could do better

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2 Replies to “The Police Uplift Programme Final Report Part 1”

  1. observer

    We know, mainly from anecdote, that the retention rate for the ‘Uplift’ has been an issue. One force has seen a cohort of thirty-four shrink by half and that is for a “better” force.

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