
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

The End of a Chapter

Reading Time: < 1 minute

As you all know I have been banging the drum and asking you all to donate for James Patrick.

Good news – he has now received all the monies donated so far, and has found some employment to help towards his legal costs for his Employment Tribunal, which is due for hearing in September I believe.

James has publicly thanked his donors via Twitter and he sends his thanks to all of you who don’t Twat, or whatever it’s called.  Accordingly he has asked me to stop fundraising on his behalf, so that is exactly what I am doing.

Onwards and upwards, good luck with your Tribunal, your work with COPACC and your new venture into the world of novella writing.  This chapter has ended, let’s see what the next one holds.

It’s been fun, I’ll have a sleep now, and maybe get a new quill.

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6 Replies to “The End of a Chapter”

  1. ideb8

    Another VERY big thanks to donors too. All made a fantastic collective contribution.

    I believe everyone will also very much wish to join in thanking Alan for the enormous effort and time he expended communicating with donors and potential donors, writing supportive blog posts and fending off undeserved criticism and for persisting regardless.

    NB: these fundraising views have now been suspended or switched from being public as well

  2. ideb8

    Another VERY big thanks to donors too. All made a fantastic collective contribution.

    I believe everyone will also very much wish to join in thanking Alan for the enormous effort and time he expended communicating with donors and potential donors, writing supportive blog posts and fending off undeserved criticism and for persisting regardless.

    NB: these fundraising views have now been suspended or switched from being public as well

  3. ideb8

    To the drummer, the backbone, the source of the rhythm that’s given.

    Not so fun to bang on and undeserving of bile yet courageous without support and generous to a fault with time and effort and good will.

  4. ideb8

    To the drummer, the backbone, the source of the rhythm that’s given.

    Not so fun to bang on and undeserving of bile yet courageous without support and generous to a fault with time and effort and good will.

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