
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

The Criminals Have More Rights And Respect Than We Do…..

Last updated on March 14th, 2019 at 06:36 pm

Last updated on March 14th, 2019 at 06:36 pm

Reading Time: 2 minutes

And this is how that works.

Many years ago before I retired from the Metropolitan Police Farce, one of my jobs was putting together proactive packages against prolific criminals.  These had to be meticulously researched, all intelligence correctly evaluated, and the final part of the Target Collection Plan was a Risk and/or Impact Assessment.

The reason for the last two was obviously to attempt to identify the probable outcome of our operation, any risks associated with it, including collateral intrusion, and the impact that our operation might have, for good or bad, on the local population, and, if appropriate, the subject him/herself. Included in these assessments were the Human Rights implications of the ‘Target’.

Fast Forward to 2010/11.

One Thomas P Winsor (make your own minds up what the P stands for) ably assisted by Sir Edward Crew QPM and Professor Richard Disney (love that name too) set about Winsor’s (in)famous Independent Review of Police Officer and Staff Remuneration and Conditions.  An impressive document; Part 1 consists of 326 Pages, and Part 2 a trifling 452 Pages.  Almost 800 pages in total, representing one of the most significant and controversial Reviews of our time.

So, you would think that those 778 Pages would contain a Risk or Impact Assessment somewhere, wouldn’t you?

Well you’d be wrong, and I know this because I asked the Home Office for it under the Freedom of Information Act.

1) Could you please furnish me with copies of any Risk Assessment
carried out in relation to the recommendations contained within
Part 1 of Mr Winsor’s Review

2) Could you please furnish me with copies of any Risk Assessment
carried out in relation to the recommendations contained within
Part 2 of Mr Winsor’s Review

And their answer to this was……

“By “risk assessment”, we understand you mean a formal analysis of the likelihood and consequences of specific hazards arising from the Winsor recommendations. No such formal risk assessment has been carried out in relation to the recommendations. Therefore, the Home Office does not hold the information you have requested”

So there you have it, criminals possess more rights and command more respect than the Police.

After the recent culls of Police Officers, cars, Dogs and Horses, not to mention Coastguards, Firefighters, Doctors, Nurses, Probation Officers etc etc; I would pay good money to see just one Risk/Impact Assessment. Any takers anyone? At least one ACPO officer reads my blogs that I know of, any comment?

The most comprehensive and controversial review of policing in decades, and based on poor quality research and a total lack of Risk or Impact Assessments.

To my simple mind this smells more of an arrogant government who think that there’s no point in conducting a Risk or Impact Assessment because we’re going to do it anyway, so what does it matter?

One could also argue that the Home Office, and others, have shown a reckless, cavalier, and possibly criminally negligent attitude in it’s indecent haste to implement the recommendations.

But what do I know about these things? I’m not a politician.

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6 Replies to “The Criminals Have More Rights And Respect Than We Do…..”

  1. davidbfpo

    What a superb question that would be for the Home Secretary, from a MP who was the Police Federation’s Parliamentary Adviser. A post that disappeared long ago, no doubt for ‘spin doctors” to be paid instead.

  2. davidbfpo

    What a superb question that would be for the Home Secretary, from a MP who was the Police Federation’s Parliamentary Adviser. A post that disappeared long ago, no doubt for ‘spin doctors” to be paid instead.

  3. David Knight


    As usual, on several levels, a bloody great post Lad!

    I have shared the following with my chums and thought of you.

    If you are minded please sign this petition. Look for my comment signed D Knight Helsby, strangely enough. (Only just posted though). Perhaps you would like to comment and prompt other signatories to ask for an impact assessment or risk assessment report for this change. This is something I omitted in my comment. Damn!

    Anyway, having read Sir John Stevens report, requested by the Labour Party and the closest we shall come to a Royal Commission looking at the police service for the first time since 1960, I don’t hold out much hope as I believe police regionalisation is just around the corner i.e. 43 forces down to about 8 or 5 in the next 5 yrs! Then maybe Police England. It happened in Scotland.

    These are worrying times for public sector workers.

    Sir Johns exec summary here – but you have probably lost interest by now.—monday-25th-november-2013

    Thank you David

    Pugna crimen, omni tempore, quotidie


    Pugna crimen, omni tempore, quotidie


    • retiredandangry

      Thank you for your comments David, I have signed and circulated the petition, although like you, I suspect that Regional or even National Police Forces are just around the corner. That was probably the Long Game all along

  4. David Knight


    As usual, on several levels, a bloody great post Lad!

    I have shared the following with my chums and thought of you.

    If you are minded please sign this petition. Look for my comment signed D Knight Helsby, strangely enough. (Only just posted though). Perhaps you would like to comment and prompt other signatories to ask for an impact assessment or risk assessment report for this change. This is something I omitted in my comment. Damn!

    Anyway, having read Sir John Stevens report, requested by the Labour Party and the closest we shall come to a Royal Commission looking at the police service for the first time since 1960, I don’t hold out much hope as I believe police regionalisation is just around the corner i.e. 43 forces down to about 8 or 5 in the next 5 yrs! Then maybe Police England. It happened in Scotland.

    These are worrying times for public sector workers.

    Sir Johns exec summary here – but you have probably lost interest by now.—monday-25th-november-2013

    Thank you David

    Pugna crimen, omni tempore, quotidie


    Pugna crimen, omni tempore, quotidie


    • retiredandangry

      Thank you for your comments David, I have signed and circulated the petition, although like you, I suspect that Regional or even National Police Forces are just around the corner. That was probably the Long Game all along

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