
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

Take No Notice It’s Just Me Sounding Off

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s one of those days today, you know, one of those days when you just want to shout out loud and get ‘stuff’ off your chest. Well today is one of those days, so if you can’t be arsed to stay and read it that’s fine be me, hopefully I’ll see you another day soon.

Today’s issue is nothing new, it’s ‘The Cuts’.  I have written extensively on another site about Government Wastage and tried to put together in one place many of the instances where this government, and the previous one, has wasted BILLIONS of pounds. Enough money has been wasted to bolster many of our Public Services for quite some time.  I won’t waste your time going over them again you can read them elsewhere if you really want to.

I earned my Spurs in a Police FORCE that did not want for funding.  I have no problem whatsoever with ‘Efficiency Drives’, in current times it is more important than ever to be as ‘efficient’ as we can be. However, the simple formula is this; it costs £xxxxxxxxx per annum to Police London, Liverpool, Manchester, Yorkshire, DeadBadgerShire etc. that is a fact. If you reduce their funding, in its simplest terms, that means that SOMETHING WONT GET DONE.

I’ll talk about Policing because that’s the world I know, but the comments apply equally to the NHS, Armed Forces, Education etc etc.

Policing is not a retail industry, they don’t sell anything to make money, there are no shares to sell to generate extra income.  It always used to be, before the wonderful days of ‘Devolved Budgeting’, that the Home Office (or Police Authority) allocated an amount of money each year to Police the area. In London, if that pot of money ran out the Commissioner could ask for more from the Home Office (don’t laugh, it’s true).

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29 Replies to “Take No Notice It’s Just Me Sounding Off”

  1. Norman Scarth

    More true than you know! Winning a case in the ECtHR, as I did, can be VERY bad for your health! ESPECIALLY if you do it with a lawyer. They don’t like ‘trespassers’ on THEIR patch!
    Accident? Could just as likely be a drone attack!
    And just because I’m paranoid doesn’t man they AREN’T out to get me!

  2. Norman Scarth

    More true than you know! Winning a case in the ECtHR, as I did, can be VERY bad for your health! ESPECIALLY if you do it with a lawyer. They don’t like ‘trespassers’ on THEIR patch!
    Accident? Could just as likely be a drone attack!
    And just because I’m paranoid doesn’t man they AREN’T out to get me!

  3. jaded48

    Be careful Norman, i’m sure the powers that-be have a file on you and are arranging an “accident” very soon. Don’t go speeding in Paris for example.

  4. jaded48

    Be careful Norman, i’m sure the powers that-be have a file on you and are arranging an “accident” very soon. Don’t go speeding in Paris for example.

    • retiredandangry

      Norman, Firstly it’s not difficult to find my name from my blog, you just have to look a little deeper, and secondly, I for one have NEVER supported that theory. You won’t find one single trace of me promoting that theory, have never believed it for a single second, although I’m not sure of the relevance of Dr Kelly

    • retiredandangry

      Norman, Firstly it’s not difficult to find my name from my blog, you just have to look a little deeper, and secondly, I for one have NEVER supported that theory. You won’t find one single trace of me promoting that theory, have never believed it for a single second, although I’m not sure of the relevance of Dr Kelly

  5. soontobegone

    I have not always been a police officer. l had a life before and will have a life after. Stazi like police ! What world do these people live in ?
    In my whole life l have never met any Stazi, here or even in a foreign Stazi like country that I’ve visited.
    Why am l neglected, ignored. Why have l never been pulled over and searched without justification, roughed up, made to feel like a second class citizen. Why !

    I am definitely writing to my MP as the police round here are obviously not doing their job properly. This is just typical of the British police.

  6. soontobegone

    I have not always been a police officer. l had a life before and will have a life after. Stazi like police ! What world do these people live in ?
    In my whole life l have never met any Stazi, here or even in a foreign Stazi like country that I’ve visited.
    Why am l neglected, ignored. Why have l never been pulled over and searched without justification, roughed up, made to feel like a second class citizen. Why !

    I am definitely writing to my MP as the police round here are obviously not doing their job properly. This is just typical of the British police.

  7. jaded48

    RBA-remember when Grandma B used to post on your site? Norman Scarth seems to be related to her.I have just trawled through his website.What are you doing to attract these nutters?

  8. jaded48

    RBA-remember when Grandma B used to post on your site? Norman Scarth seems to be related to her.I have just trawled through his website.What are you doing to attract these nutters?

  9. ideb8

    Re “If that means there will be a reduction in the number of Britain’s Stazi-like police, & reduction in the number of law-abiding people persecuted by them, then let’s have MORE cuts in funding!”

    “If” is the word though.

    If a high proportion of Britain’s police are indeed Stazi-like, as implied..
    If this proportion is markedly higher than seen in the general population..
    If a high proportion of people in contact with ‘Stazi-like’ police suffer undue persecution, as implied..
    If the number of persecuted law-abiding people is strongly or only weakly related to whatever proportion of the police is actually Stazi-like..
    If, in other words, cuts tend to reduce or increase either of these high – or low – proportions, in any case..

    There are clearly too many ‘Ifs’ to unpack. There’s no necessary link between cuts & any reduction in the number of persecuted law-abiding people – probably the opposite. So no more cuts please.

  10. ideb8

    Re “If that means there will be a reduction in the number of Britain’s Stazi-like police, & reduction in the number of law-abiding people persecuted by them, then let’s have MORE cuts in funding!”

    “If” is the word though.

    If a high proportion of Britain’s police are indeed Stazi-like, as implied..
    If this proportion is markedly higher than seen in the general population..
    If a high proportion of people in contact with ‘Stazi-like’ police suffer undue persecution, as implied..
    If the number of persecuted law-abiding people is strongly or only weakly related to whatever proportion of the police is actually Stazi-like..
    If, in other words, cuts tend to reduce or increase either of these high – or low – proportions, in any case..

    There are clearly too many ‘Ifs’ to unpack. There’s no necessary link between cuts & any reduction in the number of persecuted law-abiding people – probably the opposite. So no more cuts please.

  11. Norman Scarth

    You tell me my Comment on ‘Reduction in Funding’ is ‘Awaiting moderation’. As a very moderate man, I’m not at all ‘Angry’, like you, just sad. Why should my Comments need ‘moderating’? Norman Scarth (NOT afraid to give my name).Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 07:16:15 +0000 To:

    • retiredandangry

      Everybody’s comments get ‘Moderated’ Norman, it’s quite normal, to prevent abuse and threats getting through the net. Yours are fine and get Moderated quite happily

  12. Norman Scarth

    You tell me my Comment on ‘Reduction in Funding’ is ‘Awaiting moderation’. As a very moderate man, I’m not at all ‘Angry’, like you, just sad. Why should my Comments need ‘moderating’? Norman Scarth (NOT afraid to give my name).Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 07:16:15 +0000 To:

  13. Norman Scarth

    You tell us “… If you reduce their funding, in its simplest terms, that means that SOMETHING WONT GET DONE.”.
    If that means there will be a reduction in the number of Britain’s Stazi-like police, & reduction in the number of law-abiding people persecuted by them, then let’s have MORE cuts in funding!
    Mind you, to apportion the blame fairly, much of the persecution by them is on behalf of the Legal/Judicial Mafia. There is tacit collusion between them, each protecting the other.
    And to think that, 72 years ago I was gullible enough to think I was ‘Fighting for Freedom’, etc,. etc., etc!.
    My email address ( ) should give you a clue as to why I have been persecuted so much by the West Yorkshire branch of the Stazi that I have been forced to flee the land of my birth for safety in Ireland.
    PS: Is ex-Chief Constable Bettison in prison yet?

  14. Norman Scarth

    You tell us “… If you reduce their funding, in its simplest terms, that means that SOMETHING WONT GET DONE.”.
    If that means there will be a reduction in the number of Britain’s Stazi-like police, & reduction in the number of law-abiding people persecuted by them, then let’s have MORE cuts in funding!
    Mind you, to apportion the blame fairly, much of the persecution by them is on behalf of the Legal/Judicial Mafia. There is tacit collusion between them, each protecting the other.
    And to think that, 72 years ago I was gullible enough to think I was ‘Fighting for Freedom’, etc,. etc., etc!.
    My email address ( ) should give you a clue as to why I have been persecuted so much by the West Yorkshire branch of the Stazi that I have been forced to flee the land of my birth for safety in Ireland.
    PS: Is ex-Chief Constable Bettison in prison yet?

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