
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

Tag: blair gibbs

  • Has The Apocalyptic Horseman Risen Like The Phoenix?

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Is that a Mixed Metaphor? Is Anarchy breaking out within MOPAC and/or the Met? So many questions for a Monday morning, and I am aware…

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  • Connect The Met–WTF?

    Reading Time: 3 minutes With apologies to Bernard Rix for (almost) nicking his blog title, he’s obviously far more polite than I am. In the last week two odd…

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  • Apathy

    Reading Time: 4 minutes Dictionaries define Apathy in the following ways, but they’re pretty much all in accord; Lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of general importance…

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  • Sorry, I Just Couldn’t Resist It

    Reading Time: 5 minutes I do apologise, I had no intention of writing anything today and then that bloody Boris person went and published his Policing Plan for London…

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  • What Every MP Needs To Know

    Reading Time: 6 minutes By listening to my friends and colleagues and reading the Twats on Twatter it is evident to me that our MPs do not all understand…

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  • Miracles Sometimes Happen

    Reading Time: 3 minutes And this particular miracle was that I got a response from Mayor’s Office for Policing And Crime to my FOI response within 48 hours.  I…

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  • Boris and a ‘tarnished’ Horseman

    Reading Time: 4 minutes As you may well imagine there has been a bit of a firestorm on Twitter lately with the announcement that Boris Johnson has appointed Blair…

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