
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

Tag: Armed Police

  • Cynical? Me? Surely Not?

    Reading Time: 9 minutes I must apologise for the language but I really have just about enough of this Government’s Total Bollocks. It’s Bullshit in my humble opinion designed…

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  • Stop and Search, Armed Police and Sophie

    Reading Time: 3 minutes I was going to have a quite day today, but Sophie Khan, amongst others, has put paid to that. Said lady has taken time of…

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  • TJ is Totally F

    Reading Time: 5 minutes Quite a few of you will need no explanation for that. Where do I begin? Bernie Hogan-Who in The Times   Instead of answering the…

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  • A Summary Execution? I Think Not

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Today is not a day for ranting, today is a day for calm reflection, so I will do my best. Yesterday we received the ‘Conclusion’…

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