
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

Seems Like A Reasonable Question To Me

keyboard warrior Beware The Guardians of Social Media

Last updated on November 23rd, 2023 at 07:25 pm

Last updated on November 23rd, 2023 at 07:25 pm

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There was a time, I agree, when Police Officers were paid handsomely. I don’t think many would dispute that. They were paid handsomely BECAUSE OF WHAT THEY DO AND WHAT THEY MIGHT HAVE TO DO. They accepted that and were, in the main, happy with the balance. Contrary to what Mrs May and others think, they went about their duties professionally, and carried them out to the very best of their abilities. Untold numbers of meals went uneaten. Untold numbers of social engagements were cancelled. Untold numbers of marriages broke up. Collateral Damage at the hands of Policing. Untold numbers of Police Officers just pitched up for work the next day and did it all over again, soaking up more of the same, willingly. It is what they did.
Then along came Camoron, Cruella and Winsor and destroyed all that.

Now they get paid much less in real terms. Their pensions have been slaughtered. They will be as old as Methusalah before they can retire. And the government, the NPCC, IPCC, HMIC and Uncle Tom Cobley expect more and more and more, and offer less and less and less in return.  Don’t forget that there is also 20,000 fewer of them too.

It isn’t even all about money. They cannot pursue a car, draw a Taser or even use force in the act of arrest or restraint without picturing themselves as The Defendant. The scales have swung too far the other way, and weak management is allowing or even encouraging it. We are very much in danger of losing Policing as we know it.

To the detriment of many things, I loved my 30 years. The best job ever.

Would I do it all again?


Do I miss it?

Not any longer, but I still miss the people I worked with immensely.

Look around, the NHS, the Police Service, the Armed Forces.  We used to have the finest Health Service in the world, now we are recruiting from foreign climes to get cheap nursing cover.  We used to have the finest Police Service in the world, now a mere shadow of its former self, and running round in ever decreasing circles till they disappear up their own fundament trying to do all the jobs that every other service thinks they can lumber the Police with and save a few bob along the way.  Nearly every nation in the world feared our Armed Forces, now our Army is not much bigger than a Defence Force, our carrier borne aircraft are a bit of a joke thanks to successive government cuts and U turns.

The nurses, the doctors, the Police officers, the soldiers, sailors and aircrew (and their relative support staff) etc are all some of the finest people availabe, but they are hamstrung beyond belief by ‘The Cuts’.  They WANT to do their best but can’t.

“Do More With Less” is the same mantra we hear for all of the Public Sector, except, of course, the politicians, they are getting more now. Austerity does not apply to them.

All of these cuts and the associated ‘wastage’ will take years to put right, if ever. “Work Smarter” then.  Don’t be ridiculous, there is only so much that can be achieved with reduced resources.  Many of the functions carried out by the NHS, Police, Armed Forces (and many other, comparable services) simply need PEOPLE to carry them out, and a certain number of people at minimum.  Below that and we are in the mire.

So Home Secretary, Mrs May, Sir Tom, Sara Thornton “What does your Strategic Risk Assessment tell you is the absolute minimum number of Police Officers needed to provide an efficient PolicecService for England and Wales, and maintain Public Safety and Tranquility?”

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2 Replies to “Seems Like A Reasonable Question To Me”

  1. Rufus

    Neighbouring Policing in my force has been decimated to the extent that literally somedays there no police officers on duty – just PCSOs driving round in liveried police vehicles. I try not to let it bother me and tell myself not to give a sh** but I joined to help the community (cliched I know) so it really gets me down. As much as PCSOs want to help I think it is conning the public having them driving around in police vehicles picking up more and more and more work to dump on the remaining cops that don’t have a union and don’t have the luxury of having a full meal break, going off on duty ir saying ‘that’s not my remit’. But its nothing new and seems to be a creeping, insidiuos trend to replace professionals with untrained staff wearing uniforms or volunteers. Paramedics are being replaced by healthcare assistants driving round in ambulances, uneducated teaching assistants replacing fully qualified teachers, healthcare assistants (or even porters!) replacing nurses, the army reserves being used to boost armed forces numbers…everything is done on the cheap with little or no regard to the safety or the well being of communities and the nation.

    • retiredandangry

      I agree with every sentiment, an awful situation to find ourselves in and the silent majority are totally unaware of the reality

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