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Retention of Police Officers in 2023

Last updated on October 13th, 2023 at 08:22 pm

Last updated on October 13th, 2023 at 08:22 pm

Reading Time: < 1 minute

I’m not even going to attempt to precis this piece of work, it wouldn’t be right, fair or straightforward.

Therefore I give you the public link to

Over and out: the damaged and conflicting identities of officers voluntarily resigning from the police service

It is authored by Dr Sarah Chapman and Jemma Tyson from the University of Portsmouth whose only connections to the Police Service, as far as I know, is via the subject that they lecture in.

It’s a bit lengthy, but I would encourage you to persevere and read it.  I (and others) have been banging on about ‘Retention’ for a long time now, so it’s interesting to read what an academic study of the problem reveals.

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One Reply to “Retention of Police Officers in 2023”

  1. observer

    An academic article written in a way that almost defies a wider public reading. That aside it does have merit. A reader could simply read the interviewees words and the wordy conclusion.
    One must wonder at the arrogance of the 2016 NPCC quote ‘healthy churn’ which was deemed to be ‘positive’. Yes, few jobs now are for life. Is that the way to dismiss those exit early? Thereby failing to acknowledge the gains and losses incurred, especially of expensively trained specialists. How much of a ‘healthy churn’ does the NPCC have today?
    I half-expect those who leave early are hardly likely to encourage or even respond to those they meet who ask for advice on joining the police.

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