
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

Policing on the Cheap

Reading Time: < 1 minute

I would like to begin by wishing my reader a very happy Friday and to assure him/her that this is going to be a short blogpost to finish off the week.

You don’t need me to tell you that England and Wales are being Policed on the cheap.

You can see the Police Stations with For Sale boards outside, you can see the Police cars, no longer maintained regardless of cost, now looking a little shabby on too many occasions. When did you last see a Police Horse, Police Dogs seem to be an endangered species, but I can’t begin to imagine why, and too many helicopter services have been merged or ‘rationalised’.

You might be thinking “I don’t seem to see so many Bobbies on the beat these days” or “It takes the Police much longer to respond to my call these days”. Well maybe this is why;

Specials v ConstablesClick on Image above to enlarge

What can’t speak can’t lie, since 2009/10 numbers of Regular Constables has been falling and coincidentally the number of Specials has been rising.  Proof, if any were needed that Cruella intends to Police this country on the cheap, oblivious to all of the associated risks.

Will the last one out please turn off the lights.

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2 Replies to “Policing on the Cheap”

  1. Andy Myers

    It’s no shock to find that the Police have been suffering from a lowering of standards. That has been going on since 1997. Where the Police were once taught to a level of excellence, minimum standards at minimum costs is now the norm. The real shock is that this continued erosion upon the Police is now being led by a Tory controlled government. It would seem that the Police no longer have any friends in Parliament.

  2. Andy Myers

    It’s no shock to find that the Police have been suffering from a lowering of standards. That has been going on since 1997. Where the Police were once taught to a level of excellence, minimum standards at minimum costs is now the norm. The real shock is that this continued erosion upon the Police is now being led by a Tory controlled government. It would seem that the Police no longer have any friends in Parliament.

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