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Police When How and Why

Last updated on September 20th, 2023 at 12:02 pm

Last updated on September 20th, 2023 at 12:02 pm

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Many or most of you will have heard of Police Now. How many of you knew that they are a registered charity?

Many or most of you will have heard of Police Now. How many of you knew that they are a registered charity?

For the benefit of those who may think that Police Now is a strange example of a Registered Charity;

Police When How and Why

How is all that money made up and accounted for you may ask

Police When How and Why

Police When How and Why
Hmmm, Income exceeds expenditure two years running

To be honest, I have no idea if income exceeding expenditure is a good thing for a charity, I do know that it’s not good to be overdrawn, but 28% unspent and the best part of £2 Million just sat in the coffers.

So, what exactly do Police Now do for us?

Police When How and Why

Police When How and Why

Who are Police Now?

Police When How and Why

Where are Police Now? Strangely, only in England, our Welsh Cousins seem to miss out on this valuable opportunity.

Police When How and Why

I was beginning to wonder if it was good value having a charity with 28% of its funds uncommitted, but panic ye not, I have found the answer

They have several vacancies if you fancy somewhat of a change

Leadership Development Officer, salary £32-£35k.

Force Partnerships Coordinator, salary £20-£22k

Graduate Recruitment Officer , salary c £32k

Detective Curriculum Manager , salary £40k plus benefits package

Chief Operating Officer , salary £80k plus benefits package

Summer Academy Operations Coordinator , salary £20-£22k

Force Partnerships Manager , salary £34k

Personal Assistant to the Directors , salary £20-£24k

Head of Recruitment , salary £50-£57k plus benefits package

Leadership Development Coordinator , salary £20-£22k

All of these vacancies appear to be additional to the existing ‘team‘ that you can meet here.

All of which left me thinking. Is Police Now ‘Value For Money’? Could it not be done better by having in-house training delivered by seasoned street-cops who have been properly trained as trainers? Do they really need nearly a third of their funds as ‘Reserves’? (my word not theirs). Will the above listed vacancies take up their £2 Million surplus? Probably not. Why do we need a charity to deliver Police Training? Why no Police Now presence in Wales? So many questions, I’m sure you can think of more. Answers on a postcard please to the usual address.

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4 Replies to “Police When How and Why”

  1. Tim Sinclair

    Surprisingly one of the local Sgt’s, James Main is Humberside’s rep to Police Nowt often tripping to London Town, when I said it was policing on the cheap (?) he defended it as if it was his baby.


    Seems odd that they only publish one policy on the website – and that’s about bribery and corruption. Do they not have any others?

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