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Police Suicides – I Have The Numbers

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Last updated on July 13th, 2023 at 07:18 pm

Last updated on July 13th, 2023 at 07:18 pm

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I am currently in the middle of replicating Carl Eve’s work and writing to all 43 Forces to ask them how many of their officers had died at their own hands.  I did not anticipate an answer significantly different to Carl’s but I thought I’d give it a go anyway.  As we speak I have had a response for about 1/3 of the 43 Forces.  I’ll provide a comprehensive update when I’ve had all of their responses.

It’s no exaggeration to say that I was absolutely gobsmacked to open the most recent email yesterday.  Just like Carl, every response I have had so far has been a variation on the “We don’t record that information” theme.  But one young lady from a Provincial Force decided to be more helpful than the rest and provided me details of a web search I could do that might produce some of the information I was looking for.

So off I jolly went, off to my favourite Internet Search Engine and searched the website of the Office of National Statistics.

I have no idea where they got their stats from as the Police Forces tell us “We don’t record that information” but they get it from somewhere.  The Home Office have always told us that ONS is far more accurate than Police Data so here goes (for different time frames unfortunately) I give you the numbers for Police Suicides as presented by ONS.


Police Suicides
Police Suicides

There you have it. I’ll do my best to bring these figures up to date once all the Forces have responded, but don’t hold your breath. Incomplete stats are sometimes better than no stats.

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