
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

People In Glass Houses

keyboard warrior Beware The Guardians of Social Media
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Thank you @Boscorelli55 for providing me with the title made life a little easier.

Apparently our old friends at Reform Think Tank are of the opinion that the Fire and Rescue Service is out of kilter ethnicity and gender-wise and does not reflect the public it serves,

I took a look at Reform Think Tank’s “People”

What is missing here?
[supsystic-gallery id=3]

Apparently, our College of Policing aren’t much better either

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4 Replies to “People In Glass Houses”

  1. David

    Truly a classic blog. However I would add that ‘Reform’ is a “think tank” or more accurately an advocacy group, so there is no public service ‘need’ to be ethnicity and diversity ‘wise’.

    I always wonder at how such bodies are funded, as all too often the “he who pays the piper plays the tune”.

    • Alan

      Fair point but they are representing public bodies, engaged by public bodies and paid by (often) public bodies

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