
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

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  • The Appointment of Mr Tom Winsor as Chief Inspector HMIC

    Hello again friends, I want to start by making it quite clear that neither this blog, nor my previous one on Mr Tom Winsor is a personal attack on him, with the sole exception of the fact that I do not rate the standard of his research very highly. … Read the whole post
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  • From Behind The Cloak of Anonymity

    I have been thinking a lot over the last few days about those of us who tweet or blog from behind a cloak of anonymity.  I completely and utterly understand why a serving officer would want to disguise their true identity, but I have to say that I’m a tad confused by the Regulations and what they actually mean in today’s modern world.… Read the whole post
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  • Our Shrinking Police Service

    Dear Reader The Home Office has kindly released the figures for the ‘Policing Strength of England and Wales’ as at 31st March 2012,  Yesterday’s headline figure was that approx 5,000 officers had left their forces since the same time last year. … Read the whole post
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  • Policing Strength England and Wales 2011/2012

    At 09:30 this morning the Home Office released the latest batch of data laying out the policing strength of England and Wales 31st March 2011 to 31st March 2012. The headline figure is that the total manpower has dropped a further 5,000 officers since end of March last year, which in itself was approx 4,000 less than the year before. … Read the whole post
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  • Tom Winsor – The Truth, The Whole Truth & Nothing Like The Truth

    OK, so I’ve done with Overtime for a while.  I know we’ve all had the Tom Winsor, Case & White, G4S, Lincolnshire debate for days now, but I’d thought I’d have a stab at putting it all together in one place, try not to put too much of my own spin on it, and let you all decide for yourselves whether ‘The Truth Is Out There’.… Read the whole post
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  • Unpaid Overtime 2011/2012

    Colleagues, friends, fellow conspirators, I have had many an argument with Forces across the land about what constitutes Casual Overtime as it relates to my Freedom of Information Act request. Basically, for the benefit of our non-police friends, overtime falls into one of two categories Casual and Pre-Planned.… Read the whole post
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  • My First Blog

    Hello world, One or two of you have suggested that I should enter the world of blogging, which is something I had not previously considered.  A few words of introduction would be appropriate at the moment I guess.… Read the whole post
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