
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

One Rule For Them………It Was Always Thus

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I have to thank the Torygraph for this morning’s moan.

They ran an article yesterday informing us that disgraced politician Chris Huhne was back in Parliament.

This wasn’t exactly the story it first appears to be but does raise an important ‘Two Fingers’ issue.

Huhne is apparently one of a number of disgraced politicians who have been issued a pass giving them access to the House of Commons. 360 are able to use Westminster’s heavily subsidised bars and restaurants as well as other facilities – including ex-Tory minister Jonathan Aitken, who was jailed in 1999 for perjury etc. Many of the pass holders seem to have left the Commons after the Expenses Scandal or similar controversies.

Derek Conway stepped down after it was disclosed that he was employing (and paying on expenses) his son, who didn’t actually have any work to do.

Ben Chapman stood down after over-claiming his mortgage by £15,000.

Harry Cohen got his marching orders for misusing the accommodation expenses system.

It was commented on Twatter yesterday, can you imagine the scenario of a Police Officer being dismissed for dishonesty and being welcomed back the Police Social Club, mixing with his ex colleagues and enjoying the very favourable prices at the bar and in the restaurants? There is also the potential for picking up the odd bit of work by mixing in such circles, or lobbying MPs in the bar, getting your view across to serving politicians.

Why should disgraced politicians be able to enjoy these privileges? Does this mean that we can all apply for this pass and enjoy everything it brings? My the Admin Office would be overwhelmed with applications, but I suspect that we wouldn’t even be considered for a pass to the HoC.

So why should ex, disgraced, politicians continue to enjoy these perks. We, the Public, pay for subsidising these advantageous prices, and I for one don’t want to. Let them drink at the Bell And Anchor or any other pub of their choosing, I fail to see why they should have the right to continue benefitting from a system most of them abused.

Labour backbencher John Mann said: “I do not think someone who has committed a criminal offence that has meant they went to prison should get privileged access to the Houses of Parliament. Let them queue with the general public if they want to get in.”

Mr Mann said the list “reinforces the impression that this is a gentlemen’s club”.

I’m a Gentleman. Where do I apply?

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17 Replies to “One Rule For Them………It Was Always Thus”

  1. jaded48

    If you don’t keep an eye on these criminal politicians they creep back into the comfortable life they had before they were caught. Let’s not forget that Huhne told bare-faced lies for years before eventually admitting guilt at the last minute.

  2. jaded48

    If you don’t keep an eye on these criminal politicians they creep back into the comfortable life they had before they were caught. Let’s not forget that Huhne told bare-faced lies for years before eventually admitting guilt at the last minute.

  3. ideb8

    I have to say Keira, that, even by your standards, you’ve posted a mean spirited and petty minded comment.

    You do not make the world a better place by letting corrupt MPs return from prison to quaff vintage champagne at the taxpayers expense.

    Any fair minded person would wish to see Huhne ape the more honourable – yet more undeserved – Gordon Fraser resolution.

    Unfortunately, Chris would still leave an unfairminded wife also earning a fortune again, pronouncing on other people’s financial matters on TV.

    You’re not a retiring person but I suggest you live your life in Tibet and comment about that, rather than spend it telling popular bloggers how to live theirs less angrily.

  4. ideb8

    I have to say Keira, that, even by your standards, you’ve posted a mean spirited and petty minded comment.

    You do not make the world a better place by letting corrupt MPs return from prison to quaff vintage champagne at the taxpayers expense.

    Any fair minded person would wish to see Huhne ape the more honourable – yet more undeserved – Gordon Fraser resolution.

    Unfortunately, Chris would still leave an unfairminded wife also earning a fortune again, pronouncing on other people’s financial matters on TV.

    You’re not a retiring person but I suggest you live your life in Tibet and comment about that, rather than spend it telling popular bloggers how to live theirs less angrily.

  5. Keira Cunningham

    I have to say Alan, that, even by your standards, you’ve posted a mean spirited and petty minded blog.

    The man’s committed an offence, been tried and convicted, lost his job and served his time in prison. He’s come out and found employment in the area where he has knowledge and expertise. He’s paid his debt and is now paying his taxes and supporting his family and obligations and you’re treating it is a ruse to get a few pence off a pint.

    Here’s another senario; three years ago a senior police officer from Leicestershire Police, Gordon Fraser, facing the same traffic offences as Chris Huhne, rather than face the court went out, threw himself in front of train and killed himself. He left a wife and children.

    So really, seriously, as gentleman Alan, which outcome do you favour? Be serious, and say which result is the better?

    You do not make the world a better place by dimishing others. You’re a retired man, I suggest you live your life and blog about that, rather than spend it telling others how to live theirs.

    • retiredandangry

      I must say that I’m at a loss to see the relevance of Gordon Fraser. Whatever he did, or did not, decide to do is irrelevant. Do not be distracted by the rehabilitation of Huhne, at the end of the day he is a Member of the Public now, so maybe we members of the public should all be allowed to join him at the bar. If you’re so insistent that Huhne had “done his time” etc I can only presume that you also disapprove intensely of the way Ched Evans has been pilloried and denied employment. You are clearly entitled to disagree with any or all of my opinions, but I am entitled to hold them and express them. Calling me mean spirited and petty minded will not change my opinions, any more than I would seek to tell you what your opinion should be. Thank you for your contribution to the debate, but I don’t actually think it’s your place to tell me what I should blog about, that’s my choice isn’t it? If you don’t approve of them, simply stop reading them, I won’t mind one bit.

  6. Keira Cunningham

    I have to say Alan, that, even by your standards, you’ve posted a mean spirited and petty minded blog.

    The man’s committed an offence, been tried and convicted, lost his job and served his time in prison. He’s come out and found employment in the area where he has knowledge and expertise. He’s paid his debt and is now paying his taxes and supporting his family and obligations and you’re treating it is a ruse to get a few pence off a pint.

    Here’s another senario; three years ago a senior police officer from Leicestershire Police, Gordon Fraser, facing the same traffic offences as Chris Huhne, rather than face the court went out, threw himself in front of train and killed himself. He left a wife and children.

    So really, seriously, as gentleman Alan, which outcome do you favour? Be serious, and say which result is the better?

    You do not make the world a better place by dimishing others. You’re a retired man, I suggest you live your life and blog about that, rather than spend it telling others how to live theirs.

    • retiredandangry

      I must say that I’m at a loss to see the relevance of Gordon Fraser. Whatever he did, or did not, decide to do is irrelevant. Do not be distracted by the rehabilitation of Huhne, at the end of the day he is a Member of the Public now, so maybe we members of the public should all be allowed to join him at the bar. If you’re so insistent that Huhne had “done his time” etc I can only presume that you also disapprove intensely of the way Ched Evans has been pilloried and denied employment. You are clearly entitled to disagree with any or all of my opinions, but I am entitled to hold them and express them. Calling me mean spirited and petty minded will not change my opinions, any more than I would seek to tell you what your opinion should be. Thank you for your contribution to the debate, but I don’t actually think it’s your place to tell me what I should blog about, that’s my choice isn’t it? If you don’t approve of them, simply stop reading them, I won’t mind one bit.

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