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Murders In Larndarn – Some Facts

Last updated on September 1st, 2023 at 05:22 pm

Last updated on September 1st, 2023 at 05:22 pm

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Murders In Larndarn – Some Facts

Well, a few weeks ago I wrote this,

Stops, Knife Crime & BLM. What Is Going On In London?

about murders in London.  I promised to update it when I had the updated info from the Met, well here it is folks.

My question(s) to the Met;

For the years 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 to date could you please supply the following information

1) The total number of murders reported to the MPS for each of the above years.
2) For each year, the total number of Victims and Suspects that were Male
3) For each year, the total number of Victims and Suspects that were under 21
4) For each year, a breakdown of the ethnic origins of Victims and Suspects (totals, not individual offences).
5) For each of the above years, the total number of offences where the weapon used was a knife or similar.

Are you sitting comfortably?  Then I’ll begin.

For 2017-2020 how many murders have there actually been in London?

Murders In Larndarn - Some Facts

Reasonably stable, showing a slight increase last year, but seemingly heading for a decrease in 2020, probably an unintended consequence of ‘Lockdown’.

So, who are the victims of these tragedies in London?

Of the total number of Murders reported above, the number of Male victims was as below

Murders In Larndarn - Some Facts

It seems that you are disproportionately about 3-4 times more likely to be murdered in London if you are Male, but who are the Murderers, what is the gender bias of those accused of Murder in London?  To be fair I only asked them for data relating to Males, completely forgetting that more than one person can be charged with each Murder.

Murders In Larndarn - Some Facts

How many of the Victims and Accused were Under 21?

Murders In Larndarn - Some Facts

I find that really quite sad, in a significant percentage of Murders in London the Accused and Victims are under 21.  Our youths are killing each other.  The News Headlines tell us this time and time and time but now we have some long-term stats to demonstrate the reality.

What did they look like? What was the Ethnicity Breakdown of Victims and Accused?  A thorny subject, one traditionally avoided by Politician and Senior Police Officers, but here goes anyway (I’m neither)

Murders In Larndarn - Some Facts

No explanation of that diagram needed by me really, more Black than White, and then a smaller section of the other reported Ethnicities.  What about the Accuseds?

Murders In Larndarn - Some Facts

Nothing very different there, Black being the largest sector, followed by White.

From the data presented above it is difficult to come to any other conclusion that Black Youths are Killing Black Youths on the streets of London.  That may sound like “Stating the Bleedin’ Obvious” and to a degree it is, but Politicians and Community Leaders need to bite the bullet and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.  The Police already know what the problem is and they are doing something about it, but that is not very popular amongst the Black Lives Matter movement.  To you I say this, Yes, Black Lives Do Matter, All Lives Matter, but if you want to be taken seriously then you need to stop banging on about Police activity (in particular Stop and Search) and DO SOMETHING about young Black men killing young Black men.

We hear a lot of chatter on the news about Knife crime in London (and elsewhere).  How many of these murders were committed using a Knife or Sharp Object as opposed to the numerous other methods one could employ to kill someone?

Murders In Larndarn - Some Facts

There you go, quite damning really. AND ALL OF THOSE WEAPONS HAVE BEEN CARRIED THROUGH OUR STREETS and could potentially have been found during a Stop/Search and who knows how many lives could have been saved.

Helpfully(?) the Met pointed me to a different data source that I had not encountered before, the Homicide Dashboard, which has plain stats going back to 2003.  How does that look?

Murders In Larndarn - Some Facts
Murders In Larndarn - Some Facts
Murders In Larndarn - Some Facts
Murders In Larndarn - Some Facts
Murders In Larndarn - Some Facts

So what does this tells us?  Not a lot really.  The number of Murders in London steadily decreased until 2015 when it started to increase again, but fortunately we have yet to return to the bad old days of 2003.  As for Victims and Accuseds, this data does not really change much, just makes the numbers bigger.  Afro caribbean and White British being far and away the two largest groups, and Under 25s being significantly more likely to commit a murder, although the average age of Victims has recently come down considerably.

Taken together, these two datasets really do show the nature and scale of Fatal Violence on the streets of our capital.  It is time for ALL of the appropriate bodies to shift the blame from Police etc and onto those ultimately responsible, those that do the killing.  Parliament, the Mayor of London, Commissioner Dick and Community Leaders need to work together and invest in the future of our young folk before they kill each other completely.

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One Reply to “Murders In Larndarn – Some Facts”

  1. Blue Lamp

    Thank you for putting some perspective about what is going on.
    Many groups and the press continually spout twisted and warped figures that perpetuate the hatred of Police and gives them publicity.
    As a retired officer I am proud of all those brave officers out there dealing with these incidents and facing injury or worse.
    It has to be remembered that these figures only refer to Murders, not other offences where the accused was not killed. Those figures would be far higher.

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