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More Than One Way To Skin A Cat

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There most certainly is.

If you live and work in the UK, at, say, maybe somewhere like the Met for example, you could be what they like to call a ‘Whistleblower’.  You can report wrongdoing, corruption, unacceptable practices, maybe even dodgy #Crimestats to your management, the bosses, those people that have taken the place of Leaders in the Met.  In return you can get shafted, publicly maligned, bullied, humiliated, forced to the point of taking your employer to a Tribunal only to be deprived by them of all your income.  I have it on good authority that things like that happen occasionally. Allegedly.

Or you could do it the Irish way. No this is not a Paddy joke, bear with me, read on.

Irish barrister Sean Guerin conducted an investigation into claims of corruption and malpractice in the Garda after allegations by Garda Whistleblower Sergeant Maurice McCabe.

The report vindicates Sgt McCabe, but finds that Garda Síochána and former minister for justice Alan Shatter failed in their duties to properly investigate matters raised by Sergeant McCabe.

The report  says that a comprehensive commission of investigation is “desirable in the public interest” to ensure “continuing confidence in the institution of An Garda Síochána and the criminal justice system”.

Responding to the report, Taoiseach Enda Kenny said that a root and branch analysis of the policy and practice of the administration of justice in Ireland is now needed. Mr Kenny said the Dail would debate the content of the Guerin report next week and he would welcome the contributions of all members.

This is not just about politics, it is about getting it right for the people of our country, for the citizens, for the next generation, for everybody to have integrity, belief and faith in the Garda Siochana, in the accountability, in the transparency in the way it is run,” he said.

Sgt McCabe expressed his thanks to Fianna Fail leader Michael Martin for taking on his case and forwarding his file outlining his concerns over garda conduct to Taoiseach Enda Kenny.

Mr Guerin found that the “overall impression given by the internal Garda investigative process was that complaints or matters of concern were put through a process of filtration or distillation so that, by the end of the process, any matter of concern had been removed as a form of impurity, and only what was good was found to remain.”   Maybe that sounds familiar to some of you, I don’t know.

You can read the full press report here.

There is/was a campaign in the Met called the Do It Right campaign.  Come on MPS – Do It Right

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One Reply to “More Than One Way To Skin A Cat”

  1. ideb8

    “any matter of concern had been removed as a form of impurity”

    ACPO – fiddling of figures “inadvertent”, ie: couldn’t be fiddling
    BHH – the data is from “over 2yrs ago”, ie: before my watch
    HMIC – found “hardly any mis-classification”, ie: we pointedly avoided checking management interventions later, so amazingly have spotted nothing at all disappearing “in a puff of smoke” – due to reclassification
    HMIC – found 20% under-recording, ie: confusion, lack of training/resources, inexperience, just pocket money gone missing from piggy-bank. You know, nothing deliberate

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