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Knife Crime In London – The Update

Last updated on May 8th, 2023 at 11:46 am

Last updated on May 8th, 2023 at 11:46 am

Reading Time: < 1 minute

As promised I obtained the stats from the Metropolitan Police about the slightly older Afro Caribbean population together with those for the Asian population.

In addition to the 166 young, black males that were affected by knife crime in my original post it is now apparent that many more between the ages of 20 and 50 have also been affected.  A further 3 fatalities in the first 3 months of this year accompanied by 160 injured by knives, makingh a total of 5 fatalities and 324 injured between the ages of 10 and 50.


Worryingly, the number of white males between 20 and 50 is even higher, 3 fatalities and 172 injured.  Under the age of 20 there were significantly less, but over 20 that is no longer so.

The Asian community fares slightly better, between the ages of 10 and 50 there were 2 male fatalities and ‘only’ 91 injured.

In total, the figures tell a terrible story, between the ages of 10 and 50 the male population of London has seen 12 fatalities and 632 injuries in just the first 3 months of this year.  I know that London is a big, bad place, but these figures will be added to elsewhere in the UK.

Our youngsters are dying, or being injured, due to other people possessing, and using, knives.

It is time that it was stopped.

The PCC elections are now over, ALL PCCs should be making Knife Crime a priority before it is too late for even more of our youths.





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3 Replies to “Knife Crime In London – The Update”

  1. Soontobegone

    In the not too distant past the government were clamping down on this, Right!

    Wrong! Not enough prisons.

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