
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

Image Over Integrity

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Are you a retired or serving or otherwise Ex Police Officer? Maybe your career was terminated prematurely by order of the Discipline Panel?

Do you have a story to tell? Do you want that story to be told?

Do you feel that you were unfairly or unlawfully treated by The Job?

Do you honestly believe that they were more concerned about their corporate image than establishing and publishing the facts, the truth?

If you have answered YES to all of the above then this could be just the place for you.

Some of you will already have read an earlier blog, Image Or Loyalty? Who Would Be A Whistleblower?

Now I want to turn things on their head.

The challenge I issued before was for Police Whistleblowers who had enjoyed a positive experience to tell me their stories. I didn’t get a single positive reply, but I did attract a few negative ones.

If you would like your story to be told, or you think that it’s about time that folk were reminded of your story, already told, then maybe I can help you. What I have in mind is a mini-series of Themed Blogs, using the Image Over Integrity theme, plus your story, told by you.

If you would like me to tell your story, or just remind folk of it, then why don’t you email me your story to retiredandangryATyahooDOTcom. Tell me what pseudonym you’d like me to use, roughly whereabouts in the country your Force is located, or maybe you’ll want to use your real name and Force, entirely up to you. I can’t make any promises except that a couple of hundred people might read it, and that your anonymity will be respected, after that who knows?

While we’re at it, why don’t we throw the doors open?

Maybe you’re an ex Serviceman or NHS employee or professional, and you also feel that your employer put Image over Integrity. Let me know if you want, and I will do my very best to accommodate you if at all possible and I don’t get swamped with replies.

Who knows? I’ve never tried this before and it may flop spectacularly, but the offer is there if you want to take it up.

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